One last choice (finale part 1)

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*Y/n pov*

I nodded. Man was I excited!.

But I don't think we're following the underverse storyline, since cross lives here. No problems right?
He doesn't need a soul, pretty sure he has one in the Multiverse timeline. 

I'm kinda relieved I dont have to be apart of the underverse thing. Besides, I don't wanna fight ink. And his fucked up friend.

(*cough cough* there's your answer leah)

"When are we leaving?"

"In a few hours."


I nodding repeatedly  and started to pick out some clothes from my closet.

Shit Shit shit.

Aliza had walked in on me struggling to pick and outfit and sat down to help me.

It would have to be comfortable but functional. We decided on some black sweat pants and a white shit with a black sweater. And some black and green boots.

(Search "techwear" for reference)


"I made some grill cheese sandwiches for you in the kitchen before you go."

She gave me a soft smile and although I was about to probably destroy a universe. I could see that she was proud or me.

I thanked her for the food and gave her a hug before I walked to the kitchen.

I stepped in and there was 2 sandwiches on a plate Waiting for me

I quickly devoured the sandwiches and layed the plate in the sink.


I looked at the clock I had a hour and a half before the mission.

Huh, maybe I should ya know. Apologize to Killer, considering i lost my cool on him in the test.

I walked out of the kitchen and to the living room, he might be there. Just resting. 

I walked into the living room and lone behold, he was there. A took a glass of water from the table and slightly poured it on him,

He jolted up, and  looked around seeing me. He sighed and lid back down. Only this time without closing his eyes.

"Morning, sleeping beauty"

He chuckled lightly and sat up again.
Looking at me with a semi-serious look.

I layed the glass down and sat across from him.

"Hey, um. I'm sorry, for ya know. Going crazy on you back there."

"Eh, nothing else to say expect. Shit happens."

I nodded in response laying down.
"How long do we have before the mission?"

He looked at me with a look that I don't think I can describe.

"Buy a damn watch"

I scoffed and looked at the clock on the wall.

welp we got like no time to kill. I got up smoothing out my clothes.

"Alright get off your ass we got things to be  doing."

He groaned in response forcing himself up as we walked to Nughtmare's quarters. 

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