Awake and in pain

600 19 33

*Y/n pov*

I yawned and sat up.
How long had I been asleep for?
And why do I have...a rabbit pushie just viben near me.

I pick up the plushie, it was so soft.
It was a crocheted rabbit with a blue bandana. Hah, kinda reminded me of swap.

I stretched out my arms and legs.
That shit sounded like:

Snap, crackle,pop.

They could've put me in a rice Krispies commercial.

I got up and took a look around the libarby, Huh. Error must have left a long time ago.

Well, I'll just look around more I guess.

(If ya don't like it, blame haze)

I got up slowly, smoothing out my pj's and got up to look around. Still the same as before.

I saw a dusty table in the corner and walked over to it, on the table was a key, a gold key with the letter


On the tag which was tied to the key handle.

OooOooOoh what's thisssss??

I picked up the key, wonder where this leads to?

I'll take it with me just to see, one day?
Maybe it'll be of use-



I turned around quickly to see Aliza dying laughing on the floor.
I looked at her and somewhat giggled.

Compared to the way she acts in the OG horrortale. She's quite different, or at least when I showed up she changes. Maybe all she need was someone sane to talk to. If I'm even considered sane at this point.

Aliza got up, out of breath.

"I'm sorry, gasp I couldn't resist."

I  crossed my arms, I swear this girl is gonna be the reason I die.
Not Error
Not killer.
Fucking. Aliza. Would be.

She'd give me a heart attack and I would just die.

She calmed herself down and pointed to the rabbit plush,
Asking where did that come from?

"Oh, uh. I don't really know? Kinda just woke up with it?"

She hummed and nodded, and took my hand gently.

"We should get your bandages changed, it's been a couple hour since they have been."

Damn, had it really been hours? I felt like I was asleep for less than a minute.
Like when your super tired and you close you eyes for less than a second and wake up in the morning?

Just me?

Oh ok then.

I had the gold key in my pajama pants pockets. I'm surprised she didn't notice it, Aliza led me out of the library and we walked down the halls.

Hey is uh, she gonna let go of my hand?

We walked to a white door, it felt blinding compared to the rest of the castle. Inside was a small couch and a tiny table next to it.
And to the side was what seemed to be a medicine cabinet full of everything you could think of. Medically of course.

Aliza asked me to sit down and I did as she unlocked the medicine cabinet and took out some gauze and bandages.


Ah hell nah.

I booked it put of there so fast, people would have thought I was the fuckin flash-

Annnddd I ran right into someone.

I looked up to see the figure and it was the feather duster.
I mean, Dust.

He had no expression. Just a stone cold stare. It sent shivers up my spine.

Aliza was by now running after me.

So yeah, two children running down the hall of a bunch of murders castle.
So the day was goin great.
I saw her running down the halls and tried to pass Dust. But he grabbed my fucking arm.

Like, bitch. Let me go I'm busy running away from the worst enemy in this whole castle. Rubbing alcohol.

Do you know how much that shit hurts? On a wound!?
Might as well just end my life at that point!
I attempted to to get out of his grasp but it was no use he wasn't lettin go.

I sighed as Aliza caught up to me.
She placed her hands on her hips, like a mad mother.

All mothers have that one look, when you know. You fucked up. That's what she looked like.

She didn't have to say anything.  As much as I knew she couldn't hurt me even if she tried her best. It was scary mann.

"I'm, so sorry I'll get it done now."

She aggressively  sighed and took my hand walking me back to the infirmary. I whined the whole way there of course but went back somewhat willingly.

She sat me back down on the couch and started to get stuff ready.

Why did Dust stop me?
Don't get me wrong, I was definitely being a brat. But it doesn't add up.

Sure it sounds simple, but it felt off.

Like he wanted me to get it done,

Maybe he was worried-


Aliza put the alcohol on my wound with giving me a warning.

I gritted my teeth, holy mother of God and cheese sticks that hurt like hell.

When the devil created rubbing alcohol and put it on earth everything was good.
But now even the devil , fears what he created.

After lots of pain Aliza tightly bandaged it up and bid me farewell saying that I should sleep here because going to my room might hurt me more.

I lid down on the couch and sighed. Man that fuckin hurts.
I took a look at the bandages, welp. At least it's clean now.

I was about to drift off as the door creaked open.

(Seriously tho is every door in this castle actually creaky, or is it just or plot and the author can't figure out better words to use because it 3 am-)

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