A gift for me

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Hello froggie here,
As promised there will be a recap.
But out of pure fear (from me) of triggering others their will most likely not be anymore of f/n's past shown, unless requested by many.



After declining dreams offer f/n headed home where their parents weren't home yet. They got a shower, and looked up some online training.
They got tired and curled up in their blankets.
After falling asleep they had a nightmare about their older brother touching them inappropriately.
Dream showed up. Wanting to check on them after their recent conversation.
Waking them up, f/n woke up hyperventilating. And the chapter ended with dream comforting f/n.


Y/n pov:

I opened my eyes but closed them again.

Do i have to get up?

I don't think I've ever been More comfortable.

Wait a minute.

Nightmare and killer set up a schedule for me to learn magic and fighting around 7....
Shit balls

I rolled out of bed speedrunning putting my uniform thingy on.
If it can be called that. I don't really know.

To be fair though. They never woke me up for lessons.
God, I was kidnapped and can't even sleep in!

I yawned and started making up my bed.
Will killer let me have the day off?

Yeah no, what the hell was I thinking.

I stepped out of the room not bothering to make up the bed. Aliza would stop by and "fix" it even if I made it up. 

So I left it as it is.

I dashed out the hallway into the kitchen, toast.

 snatched the bread, shoving it into the toaster.


lets goo

i grabbed the toast out of the toaster.

Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh my handdddd! 

-0.5 HP

I had hit the edge of the toast whilst trying to grab the contents so quickly. I pulled away immediately, shit I burned it didn't I?  I looked down at my hand. my hand was bright red and  burning like hell itself.

whatever, no time. 

listen I would heal myself but at this point in the morning. I didn't have the time nor energy to care. so deal with it I geuss. I told myself. I gritted my teeth in pain, as I continuted to pull the toast out. 

after I had got it on the plate I turned on the faucet. running my burned hand under cold water, it was only a first-degree burn at most but man did it hurt. and the spot placement too.  

I really should've stayed in bed today.

the world was smacking me in the face yellin at me to go to back to bed.  And honestly,  I was considering it. 

As soon as the thought came to mind I heard a door open. oh for fucks sakes- 

"Heya Y/n...."

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