Sweet Dreams

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Y/n pov:

I was tossing and turning all night. And when I managed to get to sleep,
I... i had a bad dream. That's all.
I went to sleep yet again,

Yeah, then Horror started yelling about some bizarre shit that happened or another.

I look at the clock on my bedside table.

12:00 ᗩᗰ

I groaned turning over on my side.
Seriously Horror, its 12 am. Shut the fuck up, for the love of whatever god.

I sat up, staring at the wall.
I can't do anything either. I mean it's not like I have a phone!

Still mad at that bitch.

I sighed getting up.
Damn, killer was right I'm exhausted. From healing one cut.
Yeah,I might have to work on that skill.

My eyes burned, I'm not going back to sleep. 
Not after that Dream....

*Y/n's Dream*

"Y/n! We told you to be home by 9:30!"

My mother screamed at me. I was 12 at the time this memory had happened.

I couldn't stand this, I hated it here. They treat me like a servant. They use me for things they don't want to do. They treat me like I'm lower than dirt.
So why?

Why do they care if I'm home?
So they can make me do more chores?
I swear I never have a break, unless its 12 am at night.

"Why do you care...?"

"I beg your pardon!?"

"I said, why do you care!"

She looked at the floor her head down.

"Go to bed.."

Great answer mother!


I didn't argue. I didn't want to be near her, or anyone! I just want to be left alone......

*Y/n's  Dream end*

I turned the door knob, opening the door as I stepped out.

The kitchen light was on, though the door was closed. Whatever...
I'm  thirsty, and going in anyway.

I walked in to see Horror chattin with killer.
Loud ass pricks.

I grabbed a newly washed glass and poured some water up for myself.

Leaving the room unnoticed by the others.

I walked back to my room, feeling droopy.

"Ya know, that look doesn't quite suit you."

Of freaking course .

I turn around seeing Nightmare looking a me. 

"What do you want..?"  My tired voice slipped out.

"I have taken noticed to your...Unfortunate Dream. I entered when it was coming to a end. But I did overhear some stuff"

I look down, in shame or sadness. I wasn't sure.
Part of me was ashamed for how I had acted back then.
Instead of accepting the situation I was in, I kept fighting. Which sound good. But in this case it was better to keep my mouth shut. If I had kept quiet, and just...accept it....

I honestly never wanted anybody to know....
I felt trapped...
I stopped caring eventually, in fact. It was only this year.
I'm ashamed of how immature I acted then.

I snapped back into reality. Nightmare looking at me with concern in his one teal colored eye.

He sighed, wrapping his tentacles around my arms  and hovering over my back in a gentle manner.

"Do you want me to assist you..?"

I tilted my head.
"I'm.. sorry.. what do you mean?"

"I have the ability to make anyone slip into a deep sleep."

I was confused for starters. But then curious.

"I've read about your magic and how you got it... but I never knew you could do that.."

He nodded, placing his arm on my shoulders. Leading me back to my room.

"I encourage you to lay back down. I shall do the rest."

He smiled...happily?
I layed down as he placed the back of his hand on my forehead.


And then I slipped away into a welcoming darkness......

*Third pov*

The goopy skeleton sat there, staring at the kid. As they rested peacefully.

Never in his life had he felt bad for a human.

What are you doing to me kid? He thought to himself. 

He let his mind wonder.

I do ponder what happened before we took you here. Killer informed me that the kid had managed to contact a friend. Who also knows about Aus, and who we are.

Which means if they somehow find Dream. He will soon be looking for you. But if he sees you are truly happy..will he let you be?

This is making me think to much..

He let of a long breath. Getting off the bed,

Leaving Y/n to rest.

Sound asleep....

Hello froggie here!

I'm sorry for such the short chapter. Since I'm now out of school I will be writing more. So finding the time is even harder.

Thank you for all the support on this story. I honestly just wanted at least one person to enjoy my writing.

But I am ever so grateful for what this story has become.

Enough of that sappy shit though.

I hope you all continue to enjoy this story.

Signing off at 3 fucking AM



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