Here we go again

667 27 56

*You made your choice. This will effect your story greatly*

(A/n: it was a tie so I made my online father figure choose. The choices of this story is brought to you by haze.  Thanks dad)

*Y/n pov*

Well, it now or never. I slide the covers off me and sit up. Looking at Aliza.

"Let's go."

Time for education in the libarby motherfuckers!-

Or, maybe just a stroll around the place will do.

Aliza helped me get up and sat me down on a chair nearby as she made my bed.
I felt bad, watching her do my bed for me. I felt just straight up bad. Nothing much else, can't describe it.

She finished the bed, but before coming over to me she looked at my night table.

"Hey do you wanna take something with you?"

Something with me..?

"Uh, sure I'll take it both I guess."

She nodded and handed me the knife and my chocolate bar.

*You equipped the knife....*

*You got the chocolate bar....again*

I should really keep these on my person at all times.

The chocolate bar could've helped when I was with Error...maybe.
Maybe he would've held back a bit at the least.
I practically deflated with how much I've been sighing. 
I got up with a lot of effort and Aliza picked out my uniform before leaving closing the door behind her.
I carefully slipped on my uniform.

Ya know what.
Fuck da system-

I'm not wearing my training clothes if I can't train.

I opened up the closet and pulled out sweatpants and a oversized T-shirt.  I yawned and opened the door. 

Aliza looked me up and down. Giving me the ok like.

You know what your doing is going to get you killed right?

"Lead the way."

She nodded and we start to jog slowly down the hall. Considering I shouldn't be moving much and I'm still a bit tired from all the healing.

We stopped at a dark wooden door.
So, this is the libarby huh?

"So, how we gettin in?"

I'm taking a bold assumption that it's locked. She smiled and jiggled some keys in her hand.

Right, she's the maid of the castle. She has to have access to all the rooms here.

She took a moment before finding the right key and unlocked the door.

The library looked old and rustic. But it still had a certain Beauty to it. Aliza must keep the place clean. Despite me never seeing anyone in here. 

As soon as we walked in Aliza got called out.
Sounded like horror.
Bitch, we're having fun go away.
Also because plot reasons Aliza has to go.

She looked at me and laughed a bit.
"Sorry to leave you here y/n"
I shrugged telling her it was okay.
Besides I needed to know more about the castle and how to navigate it properly.
I stepped into the libarby and closed the door behind me.

Alright where should I go first? This libarby is fuckin massive!
I started to walk around the place and heard some soft snoring. 

I peeked around the corner and saw Error sleeping next to some books.  Haha they looked like undernovela (I think that's what it called??) Books.

He...wasn't glitching that much anymore..
Well I'm going to stop being a creep and just look around some more. Besides I don't want to get on his bad side.

I closed one of the books I was looking at.
And it made a lot more noise than I thought it would.

Like when your in school and you close your book, and it somehow makes the loudest noise ever. Scaring the shit out of you and all your classmates.

Without a doubt this woke Error up.
I felt string wrap around me and pulled me over next to him. Not to close of course.

"₩h@t a𝚛e 𝕐ᵒᑌ D̸o̶i𝕟𝐠 𝙷ᴇ𝗥𝙚?"

"I uh, um"

Cmon Y/n think say something to the person who nearly killed you!

He didn't say anything and retracted the strings back to him. Letting me go.
I sat down next to him, 5ft apart.

For some reason. I felt so...calm? In this space. I felt as though I could fall asleep right than and there. ....

Annnndddd you feel asleep.

First pov

Error looked at you as you layed limp alseep. He did feel somewhat bad if you could call it that. He was... interested.. you could say.. he was asking himself the same question everyone else in this damn castle is asking to.

What is your soul?
How do you know all this?

He sighed and got up to leave you alone.
But he turned back and pulled some strings down. Gently placing something beside your resting body and than he left.

*You got a rabbit plush*

*You got a rabbit plush*

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