A new point of view

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F/n pov:

The call ended with a abrupt crash and bang.

Ok, what the fuck was that!?


2 days had passed since y/n called me. And its really starting to bug me, like why did call end so suddenly. Why would they say they were kidnapped by killer. A fictional character!

I sighed, maybe I should go to their house. Although the news said something happened at their school not to long ago. I should check there first. Maybe checking on them will calm my nerves. Stop me from losing sleep over this.

I locked my house door and got on my bike.
Y/n was a really good friend, if something happened to them I don't think I could forgive myself.
I was so scared when I first met them. Even though I was older.
I am 3 years older than y/n but we stuck together like glue. I haven't seen them in forever.

I stopped in front of their school...
What the hell happened here..?

There was a tear In the wall and the commotion seemed to have died down in the last two days. There were only a few officers left, taking notes.
Maybe if I just sneak in...?
Actually maybe not. I'll just talk to the officer.

"Um..excuse me officer?"

"Oh hello  how can I help you?"

Jeez I sweating just talking to this guy.
"My friend goes to this school and..."
Should I mention the phone call. I have got feeling it would be better  not to. "They havent been responding to my calls, after the incident."

"May I have their name."

He asked me in a serious tone.

"Y/n, y/n l/n"

He looked away before checking his list. Which I assumed was names.  He shook his head.

"I'm..sorry. they've been missing since it happened..all that we found with their name on it was this book."

He handed me a blue binder with a rainbow heart on the front... this..this was y/n's au book
They had it since we were kids!
I started to breathe heavy almost crying..they. they weren't lying. I don't know where they are. Or how to find them..
The officers started to leave as the one I spoke to had his hand on my shoulder.

"If you need a minute to walk around, we won't say anything."

I sniffed and nodded.
He smiled gently, patting my shoulder .
Walking away.

I ran and ran and ran. All around the school desperate to find something else that was theirs. 

"Why would Nightmare attack this AU? Not to mention taking a human from it."

The voice was gentle, just listening to it made my body feel light. I smiled, how come this person made me feel so..happy..?
Wait, unless that's.. no way... Dream..!?

"Hey Dream what're you doing? "

Someone had asked, Dream looked around for a minute then staring at the ground, thinking.

Shit, if I was too negative then he would sense me. I need to get a better look at who's there.

I peaked around the corner seeing, Ink, Dream, classic, and fell. I was about to turn back when Dream looked me right in the eyes.

My mind started racing, I could try running? Not much of a better choice.
I started to turn around to and dashed to the entrance of the school. People! I need to find others!

"Wait! Please don't run!"

I heard a bling. And my body was tinted red.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck,

My body was pulled back as I hit a tree. I yelped in pain falling down and dropping the book. As the red glow disappear.

"Ah! Fell be more careful!"

The voice spoke again. I groaned in pain trying to get up. What an asshole.

"Please don't move, I want to check if you have any injuries."

He started to examine where I was hit and only found scratches, surprisingly . He smiled and helped me up.

"What are you doing in a place like this..?"

"I'll explain" I sat up leaning against the tree. "I know you are, your Dream. My friend was kidnapped a few days ago and, they made a call to me telling me to get your help. And then the phone call broke, it sounded like?"

Dream looked at me surprised but his expression turning into a soft and gentle smile.

"Who were they? What did they say?"

I looked before speaking again. "They sounded panicked when they spoke. Telling me to find a way to find you guys."

He nodded again before placing his hand down for me to grab.
I took his hand as he lifted me up.

"I'm so sorry about Fell!"

"Nah, it's okay. I mean I was the one who started running."

Dream nodded before reassuring me.

"We're going to get your friend back, safely."

I knew very well what I was going to say was a risk but... I couldn't leave   Y/n in someone else's hands.

"How can I help?"

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