Rematch Time B!tch

564 18 30

*Y/n pov*

Huh? Who was that?

Oh, ....Dust..

Alright what does this bish want. He didn't make eye contact.
Just spoke quietly.

"...killer is waitin for ya..."

I looked back at him and nodded. Ya know what?

"Tell him to fuck off"

Dust smirked a bit at my reaction and then left. My wound was almost healed now. With all the healing medication I was taking for the last few days it paid off. All that would be left was a couple of scars.

I sighed getting up. And walked to where I assumed he  was.

The training room.

I don't know much about what's going on, all I know is this is a test.
Is I beat Dust, Horror,or killer. One of them. I get to go on my first mission with them.

I took a deep breathe as I approached the door, which didn't help me calm down at all-
And I walked in.

I saw the trio chatting mostly killer and Horror. While Dust was silent

I was lucky enough  to choose who I wanted to fight.

Alright then I wanted payback for that stab in the leg anyway.

I picked up the knife from the table. It was a replica of killer's.

They looked over at the three sitting down.

I pointed my Knife at killer.

"Get ready, because I'm not holding back."

He smirked widely and looked at me.
Getting down from the chair.

"Ya better be serious kid, because I'm not holding back either"

Dude I felt so badass pointing the knife at killer-

I got into a fighting position and charged at killer, swinging my blade aggressively at him. I had at least did it 30 times. And everything he dodged with ease.

On the 35th attempt I scratched his right arm, tearing the sweater.
I smirked, and then started to attack.
They were...alot, to say the least..

I managed to dodge most of the attacks, only getting hit once or twice. The first thing I learned was how to dodge.

I jumped back readying my blade to attack again.

But he was quicker, before I could attack again. A bone was through my wrist. The one which I was  holding the blade.

I gripped the blade tighter as blood dripped from my wrist down to the blade.

Then it hit me.

If i wasn't careful he would actually kill me.

This isn't just a test.
If I don't win, he'll kill me.
This isn't just training, this is a real battle we both can't hold back.
I have to come at him preparing to kill him.

I pull my bleeding wrist from the sharppend bone.  And got ready again.

Alright then, let's go.

I dashed behided him trying to hit him and again he dodged. I kept attacking rapidity while taking in my surroundings. Not much really. Besides a few hanging blades and a table. Wait if I could...?
Would that work?

Looks like I have no choice.

I attacked him again before starting to flee.
Just as I had planned I ran towards the table sliding under it.
It gave me some time to heal up. I didn't want to use up a my energy right at the start. So I tore off a part of my shirt and tightly tied it on my wrist.

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