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Y/n pov:

You decided to stay put.

Looking for trouble while I'm wounded, isn't the brightest idea anyway.

Ya know even if I did walk out of here, there's a high chance I would run into someone. Plus why should I follow him anyway?

If anything he's just chatting with Nightmare. Everything else I mostly know.
Most everything.
But it would have been new information for me.
Whatever, what's done is done. All that's left it to wait.

I limped back into my bed. Slipping under the covers before killer got back. If he saw me up when hurt. I'd have my head on a silver platter.

If I had ever gotten a scratch he would panic. Probably cause Nightmare would kill him if I ended up dying.
After all, I'm not very useful dead..



Ok, I'm bored where the fuck is killer? It's been like, 10 minutes. How long does it take to get bandages.

I let out a annoyed sigh. I pulled  a fluffy blanket over my head as I layed down.

The door creaked open...
Finally jeez.
I poked my head from under the covers, to see Aliza.


"H-hey. I was told to bandage your wound up, oh and I snatched this from the kitchen for you."

*You got a chocolate bar*
Heals 24 hp
Can be split in two (12hp per half)1

"Oh sweet, thanks"
Haha sweet.
It chocolate?
No, ok.

I took the bar and laid it on my nightstand. As Aliza sat down with me looking at my leg. She was gentle while cleaning. Well, as gentle as she could be at least. She gave me a towel to muffle my screams. As she clean the wound with rubbing alcohol. After she was done cleaning it up, she lifted my leg up slightly and took the bandages wrapping my leg and using medical tape to keep it in place.

She gave me a comforting smile. I only turned my head away.

"Hey is something wrong, your not as talkative as usual..?"
She said looking at the floorboards.

What was wrong..? Maybe I'm just upset about how killer hurt me? But no that was my fault.

"I guess I'm just feeling uneasy, nothing to worry about."

She sighed, but accepted the answer. And left me to rest. She closed the door as I looked at the bar next to me And smiled. She's to sweet sometimes. If someone found out the she stole something from the kitchen she'd be dead.


Why is my soul-
It hurt like hell itself.
I took a look at my soul which was now floating above my chest there were blue strings all around it.
Wait, blue strings..? Shit!

(Mind how Error's text looks like. I'm working on it.)
"H0₩ !nt€re$ting...."

Wait...g..glitching sounds..?

I stretched my arm out trying to grab my Knife on the table to cut the strings from my soul.
If I was going to get out of this first I had to free myself.

Without a doubt. It was Error.

I couldn't  move.

I felt my vision start to blur. The pain was too much, from my leg. To my soul being tugged on.

I passed out.


Where, where am I?
I opened my eyes to see my soul still floating above my chest, tied up.  Ow..
The blue strings kept My hand and leg where hanged, keeping me up. And one around my waist. I pulled on the strings but it didn't budge.

Ok..okay. let's think this through.
If I was taken by Error he must have got wind of me staying at Nightmare's castle.

Which means-

I have no fucking clue why he took me. I'm of no interest to him.

Hold on. Was it my soul he wanted? Or the fact I knew about the Aus. No that couldn't be it. Error knew everything about the Aus. He wouldn't want me for that.
And I don't know why my soul is so special.
Urgh this is making my head hurt. I'll figure that out

I heard glitching noises coming from my right. And a portal appeared.
I stood still. Unlike Nightmare, Error would have no problem with ending me. Since I was useless to him.

The portal he was coming out of showed...F/n'

He looked at me with a blank stare. But not me, at my soul.
I felt somewhat embarrassed about soul. Since the people who worked for Nightmare were interested in it too. Besides killer, he was cool about it.

He disappeared after seeing me awake. Teleporting next to me.

"Y@ kn0₩, I've $e€n m@n¥ s0uls. but ¥○ur$ ¡s s0meth!ng el$e."

I could barely understand him. So I glared at him then looked away.
Yeah, that didn't make him happy that's for sure.

The strings tighted severely as I screamed in pain, and struggled in the  blue web.
"A̶h̶,  𝕋𝙷𝐞ʀᴇ ₩𝑒 𝐺0, 𝘴o 𝖨T ᵈO€s 𝕊𝚙𝚎A𝒌."

Tears threatened to fall from my squeezed eyes shut.
I'm in pain.
I'm tired.
I wanna go Home.
Killer,Nightmare, please someone...

"Heya, kid. How ya Hangin?"

I gasped slightly and turned my head seeing Nightmare and killer.

Glaring at Error. But he wasn't afraid up them.

-I'm concerned for everyone who reading this book. And the comments scare me.


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