A Friend?

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??? Pov:

It's been around 2 hours since Boss brought home this kid, apparently, they know who we all are, including positivity boy. despite us never meeting them before. Even if we did, we wouldn't tell em our names.

Killer came up from the basement stairs,

They refuse to talk or even speak to us. Saying they "Know our intentions"
They must be thirsty, possibly even hungry. I mean it's been  2 hours. I should get them something, perhaps it might warm them up?

I turned on the kettle and waited for it to boil.




Finally, I pour the hot liquid into a mug   along with some hot chocolate powder. And I took  some crackers put of the beaten up cabinet. 
It's not much, but uh we dont have much at the moment.

I walked down hall looking for Aliza, and saw her sweeping the corridor gently.

"Oi, Slave."

"Ah!, yes sir..?"

"Hand this to the kid in the dungeon."
I said handing Aliza the plate and mug.

"...ok?..right away!"

She spat out as she dashed down the hall.

Aliza pov:

I was pleasantly surprised to see sans caring for someone else, maybe he was told to?

Its been around a year since he took me here, I work as a maid. Or as the phrase it. Slave. 

Sure I hated it here, and the work I had to do. But when I found out there's another human here.

I was a bit excited, for the first time in years.


I made it to the basement floor, and there were sobs coming from inside. Huh? Were.. were they crying..?

Oh no..

I rushed in worried for them, only to see them curled up, with their head on their knees sobbing.

"H-hey! I-it's okay! P-please. Don't c-cry.?"

They stopped and wiped their tears away, with their shiny eyes looking at me.

I haven't seen another human in so long...

Y/n pov:

I started full on sobbing, I felt so helpless in this cell.
I remember when I first starting getting interested in the AUs. I always thought I could easily beat them, with all the training on classic. But they appeared much stronger than I originally thought. I knew I couldn't beat Nightmare, even if I tried. Killer, I might stand a chance. 

The cell door opened  with a creak and I tried to wipe away my tears of self-pity. As I curled up again. If they saw me like this, I would be at a big disadvantage, more of a weak point for them to use.

But to my surprise it wasn't a sing-song murderous voice. But a timid one.

"H-hey! I-it's okay, p-please.. don't. C-cry."

I looked up at the figure,


How did she get here!?
Ok, I have to remain calm for the present time. She would freak out if she knew that I know her already.

"Who are you..?"

"U-uh I'm A-aliza"
Even though I've mostly stopped crying shes still timid and nervous talking to me.

"S-sorry! Um.. Sans wanted me t-to bring this t-to you!"
She spilled out, laying the plate and mug in front of me.

"Is it drugged..?"

"O-Oh dear god no!"

She bowed her head slightly before starting to step away.

"Hey! ....My names Y/n"

Aliza smiled slightly before saying. "Its nice to meet you, y/n. I will vist you l-later if i-i have the time."

I nodded as she walked away. As soon as she was out of sight, I ate the food like a pig. I was incredibly hungry, not to mention my thirst. As soon as I was done I fell over and sighed.

"oh, f/n... where are you..?"

It was now, what I assumed was the second day I had spent here. By now Killer must've told Nightmare about my refusal to speak. I was starting to get worried now, I was a bit scared of them. After seeing what they are like. And I have no way to contact F/n, because  killer broke my phone! I'm still pissed about that.

I layed on my side facing the bars, everything hurt, every bone in my body ached. Sleeping on concrete for two days really takes a toll on your body. 

The door opened yet again, as Nightmare stared at me "you refuse to talk, despite your pathetic mortal body being in complete agony."

Was he trying to make me feel worse!?

"Oh fuck off Nightmare..."

He smirked as he opened the cell looking at me again.
I wanted to run, I want to make a dash to the door but my body wouldn't listen to reason.

"Two days in, and your already on ther verge of dying."

I glared at him in response. No longer being able to speak, due to exhaustion, I haven't  slept much after all.

He sighed and slightly smiled. Not a sadistic smile or a murderous one. But a gentle, calming almost.

"You seem exhausted, I insist to take you to my quarters. Not like you have a choice, after all, you can't speak right now."

I turned my head away as he wrapped his tentacle around my body. Not like the day I got into this mess, once again he was gentle. I'm not sure if he's taking pity on me, or genuinely cares that I'm in discomfort. Regardless, insted of keeping me coiled up he put me in his arms.

He walked up the stairs with me still in his arms, as I drifted in and out of of sleep.

*Nightmare acknowledged your tiredness*

"You can rest, I assure you no harm will come to you. I won't allow it."

With that being said I passed out within seconds after.




Urgh where am I? This isn't the cell. I tried to get up. But whimpered in pain . Right, the back. Owwwww.

Now where was I?

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