Chapter 2

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I woke up to movement underneath. I stirred and looked at what was moving. When I saw what it was, I blushed.

"Good morning~, dear~," Undertaker said sleepily.

His eyes were visible, but he looked cuter, rather than handsome, when he was sleepy.

"Good morning," I replied, smiling at him. "How did you sleep?" Undertaker sat up before he answered.

"Perfectly~. Who knew~ beds~ were so~ comfy~." Undertaker smiled, then said, "I still~ like coffins~ more~." That made me giggle.

A thought came into my head. I couldn't help but ask it, "Why did you stay with me last night, Undertaker?" He looked at me, a bit confused.

"You were~ screaming~. I didn't~ want~ you upset~," he replied. I gave him a "you're lying, aren't you?" look. "Alright~," he said, stretching, "I couldn't bear~ hearing you scream~. And~ when I saw~ you~," Undertaker paused, blushing, "I couldn't~ help myself~." I was surprised. I was so surprised, I couldn't respond. Undertaker smiled softly, then he playfully ruffled my hair.

"H-hey!" I said, blushing. "What are you doing?!" Undertaker laughed a bit, playing with my hair.

"Messing~ with your hair~," Undertaker replied. Suddenly, he got off the bed and walked out of the room.

"Undertaker? Where are you going?" I asked. I walked out of the room to look for him. It didn't take long to. Undertaker was sitting on his desk cross-legged, eating... What the hell?! I thought.

"Are those dog treats..?" I asked, staring at him. Undertaker nodded happily.

"Mhm~! William~ dropped them off~. He must really~ want~ something. He never~ gives me these~," Undertaker replied, eating another one. I sighed as I walked over to him.

"What's this?" I asked, retrieving a piece of paper from near Undertaker's jar.

"Hmm~? Oh~, I have no~ idea~," Undertaker answered, eating another treat.

I unfolded the paper, reading it aloud, "'Undertaker, come to the Academy for one of my classes today. I gave you those awful treats you love so much. You now owe me' It's from Mr. Spears." I heard Undertaker sigh and turned to him. He was holding up a treat and looking at it curiously.

"Just because~ I took on~ an apprentice~ doesn't mean~ I'm a Grim Reaper again~," Undertaker said, nibbling on the treat. I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, saying, "Well, he isn't exactly saying you're a Grim Reaper again. He just wants you to see one of his classes."

"Mm~... I suppose~," Undertaker said, still nibbling on his treat. I pulled myself onto the desk and slipped next to him, my arms still around his waist.

"Come on, it'll be fun!"I said, attempting to encourage him to go.

"Alright~, I'll go~, but I'm bringing~ these~," Undertaker replied, holding up his jar. I reached over, trying to take it from him.

"Oh no! That's staying here!" I said. Undertaker moved the jar out of my reach and I lost my balance, falling into his lap.

"My treats~," he said, "no matter how~ cute you are~." I blushed and muttered, "Fair enough. Might we be going now?" I looked up at him, playing with some of his hair. He chuckled, nodding.

"Alright~. Let me~ get dressed first~," he said, moving me off his lap and walking to a separate room.

While I waited for him, I picked up one of his treats. I wonder if they really are good, I thought, taking a bite out of the treat. It was delicious! I continued to nibble on the treat, eventually finishing it. I ate more until I heard Undertaker coming back. He came out in a crisp grey suit. He didn't have his hat on, his hair just easily flowing down. I stared at him, making him blush. I could see his eyes, but they appeared to be more green than they had before.

"You look... fantastic," I said softly.

"No, I look like a lawyer," Undertaker said, pulling a pair of glasses from his front suit pocket. He put them on, sighing. "Nicu, you are still in your pajamas." I blushed.

"Oh, yes," I said. I closed my eyes, imagining being in a black corset dress with white lace sleeves going past my hands. I opened my eyes and I had precisely what I wanted on. "Well then, shall we?" Undertaker stared at me, then nodded. He disappeared to the Academy and I followed him there, smiling. Little did I know that smile would disappear.

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