Chapter 27

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I cried over Undertaker's unconscious form, looking up at my father, my eyes turning pale and dead.

"You hurt Adrian. You hurt my love. I am done with your stupidity, Father." I hissed out the last word, my eyes narrowed. I let Undertaker lay on the ground, standing up slowly. My hands were tight, my eyes cold and fierce. "Never touch Adrian or I again. Or I will not hesitate to kill you." My father laughed, his eyes glittering in cold amusement.

"You'll kill me? I'd love to see you attempt this, my darling girl." I growled, my girly, happy, bubbly manner disappearing. My skin turned pale, I became skinnier, my hair changing to a silver blonde, my eyes already dead and pale.

"I'd love for you to shut your filthy mouth." My voice had become cold and cruel. I raised a hand and tightened it into a fist. I watched my father's eyes widen in surprise and pain. I smiled coldly and cruelly. I tightened my fist, enjoying the pained look on his face. I strode bravely to him, watching in evil delight as he fell to his knees.

"Nicu, w-when did y-you possess such a p-power?!" He cried, fear in his struggling voice. I allowed a blade of silver appear in my free hand, my other hand becoming tighter. Lifting this hand, I watched in cruel pleasure as he rose in the air, his throat directly in front of my eyes.

"When you gave it to me," I replied, gloating this fact. I pressed the blade against his throat, smiling a cold smile, my eyes alive in only cruelty. I allowed myself to cut into his neck slightly, watching blood drip slowly down. I was not satisfied, not yet.

"Nicu! Would you really kill me?!" He exclaimed, eyes full of fear. I nodded in response, causing more fear to rush through him. "No! You wouldn't! Not with your guests watching!" That is when I sensed their presences. I froze momentarily, then pressed the blade against his neck more.

"Yes, I would. Because I am not the darling girl you love, Father. I am the wretched banshee inside her. Remember? Now, say my name. For me," I said, my voice cool and sharp.

"S-Selaina..." Was his last uttered word. Right before I quickly and deeply slit his exposed throat. Blood splattered my dress and my face. The cold feeling left me, my eyes returning to their original Grim Reaper green. I dropped the knife, a scream stifled in my throat. It choked me, my own scream, deep within my throat and chest, choked me.

I heard Undertaker stir and groan and remembered he was bleeding out. I rushed to him, my eyes becoming soft.

"Shh.... please do not awaken, love... stay down..." I stroked his long, silver hair, finally resting my hand on his pale cheek. His beautiful eyes fluttered open, but only halfway. "Oh, darling, why must you awaken now? When I am in this awful state?" I stroked his cheek, allowing my soothing and healing warmth to flow into him.

"Why are you bloody, Nicu, my love?" He questioned when he had enough strength. He raised a shaky hand to my cheek, gently stroking it with his gentle, delicate, slender fingers. Tears welled up in my eyes as I replied, "Because I murdered my father." The look in Undertaker's eyes said it all; "How could you?"

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