Chapter 11

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We stayed at the party for a little while longer until we had both agreed it was getting late. We went back to the shop, Undertaker heading towards his coffin, and I, myself, heading towards the guest bedroom. Undertaker opened his coffin and chuckled.

"I had nearly believed you had thrown these out," Undertaker said amusingly, pulling his jar from the bottom of the coffin. I smiled at the madman, a slight giggle escaping my lips. "You know I am going to eat those now, right?" I nodded, amused. "But," Undertaker continued. "I don't want to eat them alone~." The last word had a sound of flirtation. I slightly blushed and walked over to him, pulling the lid off the jar.

"Come on then," I said, taking the jar from him and sitting in his coffin. Undertaker looked a bit surprised, but smiled anyway, sitting in the coffin with me. He reached for the jar, but I held it out of his reach. "No, no, I'm going to feed these to you. You're still being punished for being mean." Undertaker acted upset and sat cross-legged, looking at me, slightly pouting. I smiled at him. "Say 'Ah'," I soothingly said, holding up a treat.

"Ahhhh," Undertaker obediently opened his mouth, his eyes bright. He looked like such a child. I put just about half the treat in his mouth and he happily ate it. I smiled and allowed him to eat the rest of it. "Mmmm, this is delicious! How is this punishment?" Undertaker looked at me, smirking a bit. I looked at him, putting on my best straight face.

"Well, did I say you were eating all of them, my dear?" I teased, eating one myself. They were delicious, I had to admit. Undertaker looked at a treat as I waved it back and forth, his head following the motion of the treat. He reached for the treat and I grabbed his hand, weaving my fingers through his. "Now, now, be patient." I bit half of the treat, the other half out of my mouth. I suppose Undertaker was done with patience, as he leaned forward and closed his mouth around that half, his lips touching mine. The feeling sent a shiver of delight down my spine. He broke off the rest of the treat, pulling away to eat it. The kiss had gotten crumbs on my lips and Undertaker grinned. I was still holding his hand, I did not wish to let go. He leaned forward once more and licked my lips, sending another shiver down my spine. I moaned a bit, starting to lean towards him. Undertaker pulled away and grinned at me.

"What was it you had said? Ah, yes, be patient," he said, his voice low and soft. It made me positively melt inside. He leaned forward again, licking my lips again. The crumbs were long gone after awhile, yet Undertaker still had not pulled away. He was testing both my patience and my limits. My grip on his hand tightened and he grinned, slowly pulling away. "There~, all better~," his voice was so... So perfect. His expression showed exactly what he felt; love.

"A-Adrian..." My voice shook a bit at his soft, small smile. Then, I realized what I had said. Undertaker's expression shattered, his face now showing surprise and shock. "E-er, I mean-" Undertaker put a finger to his my lips and smiled softly, his head slightly tilted to the left.

"I don't mind when you say it, my dear. You say it with kindness." I smiled at the man I had once seen as broken. "Now, come on, we should get to bed, it is getting late." I nodded as Undertaker wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes and let my dreams and the warmth of the man I love surround me.

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