Chapter 22

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Undertaker decided it would be best to get married before I had the baby, for we thought it would be quite awkward to have to feed the baby halfway through. So, in light of this, I went dress shopping. Undertaker made me take Grell with him. I happily agreed, but when he tried to go, I refused.

"You aren't supposed to see the dress until the wedding! It's bad luck!" I argued before we left. He tried to protest, but I gave him a sweet kiss that silenced his arguments.

Grell was overjoyed yet angry at the same time once he was told of our engagement. He had said, "But Undertaker! Now I can't flirt with you anymore!" Undertaker had laughed, saying, "You can try, but you just won't get much of a reaction."

We were at a dress shop now, and Grell was tossing ten dresses at me at a time, not giving me much time to get changed. I eventually became agitated, yelling, "Can I not choose my own dress?!" Grell backed off after that.

I tried a few more dresses on, but several would not fit, as my stomach had become quite big over the months. Luckily, the shop owner understood this and assisted me in finding wonderful dresses.

I decided on a beautiful, long dress with flowers pinned to it. One on the right side of my chest, the others across my waist, again on the right. I decided on silver, white, and black flowers. The dress had a few layers, which made it more beautiful. It came with white gloves that came to my elbows. Luckily, it did not require a corset, which was perfect for the baby.

I stepped out of the dressing room, making Grell gasp. I blushed, saying, "You like it?" He nodded and jumped up, going to me. He lifted my arms and had me spin. The dress lifted a bit, spinning with me. He grinned.

"It's fabulous!" He cried, grinning happily, a sort of dreamy look in his eyes. I smiled softly, turning around and looking into the mirror. I watched my eyes change color to a gentle, delicate blue. I smiled softly, letting the warm, calming feeling run through me, enjoying this personality. She rarely took full control and always made me feel calm.


I bought the dress, asking if the shop owner could hold onto it until the wedding and he agreed. Then, Grell and I went back to the shop, surprising Undertaker, whom had someone talking with him. He didn't see us walk in, as he was talking.

"Ah~, well~, it was a decent~ joke, so I suppose~. She's in~ Virginia~." The man nodded and stood, thanking him. Undertaker did his small creepy laugh. I said, "Hello dear!" That made him jump. I giggled as the man stared at him, as Undertaker had slipped off his desk and had nearly fallen to the ground. His face was turning red, and my kiss to his cheek only made it redder.

"Thank you for the information once again, Undertaker," the man said, leaving. Undertaker turned his head towards me, saying, "Nicu~, you shouldn't~ scare me like that~." I could not help myself. I gently hugged him, my eyes returning to green. I kissed his neck, hearing a sound come from him.

"Is this a better way?" I asked after I had pulled away. He nodded, blushing. Grell whined, "Not in front me! That makes me want to kiss him!" I stuck my tongue out at him playfully, smiling. "Such a child." I laughed and wrapped my arms around Undertaker's neck, believing we'd have a happy future.

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