Chapter 5

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The one thing I never expected Undertaker's mind would be was cold. He was so full of jokes, smiles, and laughter. It shocked me so much it took a shout to snap me back to what was going on.

"Adrian! Get over here!" It was a woman's voice. "Now!" I heard the sound of a child calling back, "C-coming, Mother!" I turned towards the sounds, feeling Undertaker's hands tight on my arm. I instantly regretted turning around after seeing what I saw. The mother had hit the child and the child was whimpering.

"I thought I said not to leave this house!" the mother was screaming at the poor boy. "The next time you disobey me, the punishment will be much worse, Adrian!" I felt Undertaker flinch at the name and tighten his hands even more.

"I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't mean it!" the child, Adrian, was cowering and whimpering. I couldn't stand it anymore. I went to the next night, wanting to get away from this horrible moment. It wasn't any better. The mother screamed at Adrian again, but this time he didn't go to her. Instead, he sat on the roof of his small home, crying. I brought Undertaker and myself to the roof. I started to reach out to the boy, but Undertaker grabbed my hand. He was trembling.

As we watched, Adrian saw a glint of metal down near the street. I recognized the glint instantly. It was a Grim Reaper's scythe. Adrian climbed down the roof and wandered towards the glint. I brought Undertaker and I to the glint. Adrian saw the Reaper quickly. He walked to him, asking, "W-who are y-you?" The Reaper peered down at him, a glare across his glasses. There was blood on the scythe, showing that he had just gotten a soul. The Reaper was quite surprised, but answered honestly, "I am a Grim Reaper. You don't need a name, do you?" Adrian shook his head, his hair glistening in the moonlight. "Alright, now I've answered your question. Why don't you answer your own question for me?"

"My name is Adrian Crevan," Adrian replied. He glanced at the Reaper's shining and bloody scythe and asked, "Is that heavy?" The Reaper seemed amused and handed it to him.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" he replied. Adrian held the scythe and wobbled a bit, trying to keep his balance as he held it. The Reaper chuckled. "I assume you find it heavy?" Adrian nodded, handing the scythe back to the Reaper.

"Yes, it really is!" I wish I had my own! It would make things so much better," he replied. The Reaper looked towards Adrian's house, asking, "Shouldn't you be running on home now? It is quite dangerous to be out alone at this time of night."

"No! I'm never going there ever again!" Adrian defiantly cried. The Reaper appeared both surprised and amused.

"Where else would you go, little one?" the Reaper questioned, kneeling down in front of Adrian so he was at eye-level. "There are not many places someone as young as you may go." Adrian was quiet for a moment as he thought of an answer. Finally, he responded happily with, "I could go with you!" The Reaper was once again taken aback by Adrian.

"You hardly understand who I am," argued the Reaper, still kneeling down. Adrian crossed his arms.

"You must be better than my family! So, you already have my trust!" Adrian countered, getting a bit upset.

I felt I knew where this memory would lead, so I went to a far future memory.

Right into one with an arrow flying at my face.

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