Chapter 8

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I awoke to humming. I sat up, finding that I had once again fallen asleep in Undertaker's coffin. I realized the humming belonged to Undertaker himself. He was sitting at his desk, swinging his leg casually off it. He was eating treats and looked like he was in deep thought. I silently stood up and went to go get changed. Before I got far, however, Undertaker called after me, "Not even~ a good~ morning~?" He looked at me, his eyes hidden once again. I smiled at him, believing he was over everything from last night.

"Sorry, you seemed like you were in deep thought. I didn't want to disturb you." I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him in a deep hug. He hugged back, tighter than his usual hugs. I pushed the hair out of his eyes and immediately saw the sorrow. "Undertaker, why are you upset?" He squirmed a bit uneasily. "Undertaker."

"Last night~." Is all he said before the door to the shop opened. "Hm~?" He pulled away from me to see who had come in. It was William and Grell. They got a glimpse of his eyes before his silver hair fell back in his face. Undertaker slipped back into his more creepy side. "Hehe~, hello~." William looked annoyed and Grell looked a bit nervous.

"Undertaker, you still owe me for letting you go," William said, looking at the scar on Undertaker's throat. Undertaker crossed one leg over the other and grinned.

"I owe you~? Hehe~ my, my~, William~. You must have~ quite the nerve~." Undertaker's playful voice started to sound cold and icy. "I do~ believe that should~ be flipped around~. You owe me~." William's eye twitched. He started to object, but Undertaker cut him off. "This~-," Undertaker touched a hand to the scar on his throat, his voice colder, "-is because~ of you~. Not~ me~." I didn't like this version of my love. It upset me.

"I let you go-," William tried to speak again, getting cut off again.

"If all~ you have to say~ is this~, then you might~ as well leave~," Undertaker said, raising a treat to his mouth. In a sudden burst of nervousness and anger combined, I took the treat from him.

"Undertaker! If you cannot speak kindly to your guests, then you get no treats!" I was also holding his jar.The look on Undertaker's face said it all, No treats? Pleeeeease?! He was shocked. I looked at William and Grell. They were shocked as well. "Can't you find something more agreeable to speak of? Just until Undertaker's no longer upset?" I put Undertaker's treats up somewhere he couldn't get to them while I let my words sink in.

"Why would he be upset?" William asked. I shrugged and replied, "Just a few returning memories. Don't ask him about them. He doesn't want them brought up." William's eye twitched again.

"I'm certain he is capable of speech." He sounded more annoyed. We heard Undertaker chuckle and looked at him. He had his chin resting on his folded hands and was grinning.

"Why~, of course~ I am~. I just~ didn't want~ to~." Undertaker looked at Grell. "Hehe~, you've been awfully~ quiet, Grell~." Grell looked at him, a bit surprised. He opened his mouth to speak, but William cut him off, "He's simply upset because he's been demoted again." Grell growled.

"I HAVE A VOICE, TOO, YOU KNOW!" Grell shouted, angry at William. I sighed, looking at Undertaker. He was giving me a please let me have them look. It was so cute.

"You'll survive, Undertaker. They're just treats." Undertaker appeared disappointed for a moment, then sighed.

(Hehe, sorry~ did I say the problem would happen in this chapter? Hehe, I lied. I have no idea which chapter. Let's find out together~, shall we~? *grins*)

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