Chapter 4

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We returned to the shop a while after the "demon incident". I decided to try to teleport there with my magic, but I was too distracted, so we ended up having to walk miles to get there.

By the time we got there, we're both tired and it's well past evening. Undertaker suggested we go to bed and I sleepily agreed. Soon, we both fell asleep in our own beds-or coffins-. I could not sleep after what seemed like an hour, so I walked to the front of the shop and sat at Undertaker's desk. The spot was always so comforting. I pulled one of the journals out and wrote a few entries into it. I had just closed the journal when I heard a scream. I turned in the direction of the scream. It was coming from Undertaker's coffin.

"Undertaker?" I opened the coffin. There he was, curled up in a tight ball, trembling. "Undertaker, what's wrong?" I asked him quietly, kneeling down and putting a hand on his shaking shoulder. He jumped, his head snapping up quickly.

"Oh~... H-hello~, Nicu~," Undertaker shakily said, not looking at me.

"Undertaker, just by looking at you, I can tell you had quite the nightmare. What was it about?" I asked, my fingers curling gently around his trembling hands. He shook his head, not wanting to answer. I sighed, closing my eyes. "Something in your memories must be triggering your nightmares. I'm going to enter your memories." Undertaker finally looked at me, his eyes widened with panic and terror. He let out a panicked and horrified, "No!" but it was too late. I could already feel myself slipping into his mind. Using the best of this magic I possibly could, I pulled the two of us in. Right into the mind of a madman.

When One Finds an UndertakerWhere stories live. Discover now