Chapter 10

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We got to the party just in time to see William yell at Grell.

"DO THAT AGAIN AND I WILL NOT HESITATE TO TAKE YOUR SCYTHE AWAY!" Grell was on the ground, rubbing his head. William must have hit the poor Grim Reaper. Once William and Grell saw Undertaker, they both stared. Undertaker gave them a small, soft smile that made my legs feel wobbly. I looped my left arm through Undertaker's right arm, dearly hoping this wouldn't get us into trouble.

"Have we missed anything, William?" Undertaker questioned, getting stares from the other people at the party. No one had ever heard Undertaker's natural voice. Save for those few who knew him before. Grell ran over to Undertaker and would have jumped on him if not for William grabbing onto the back of his coat.

"Nothing at all. Interesting outfit, Undertaker. I hardly see you out of your cloak," William replied, his grip still tight on Grell's coat. Undertaker chuckled, the sound quite light and cheerful, so unlike how he was earlier. His eyes closed halfway, giving him that provocative look I loved so much.

"I'm glad. I did hear this was your party. I hope I was not informed incorrectly?" Undertaker tilted his head very slightly, his hat tipped forward and to the side a bit. William, having overcome his shock at Undertaker's new "personality", shook his head.

"No, you heard correctly. Unfortunately, I was not the one who set this up. Grell was." William, however much he disliked the idea, did not seem at all angry. Undertaker was amused. "Just so no one is mistaken, I was not the one who got the drinks." Undertaker was more so amused and walked over to the drinks, picking up a glass of wine.

"My, my, you went all out, didn't you, Grell?" Undertaker mused, taking a sip of the wine. I picked up a glass and took a sip myself. It was alright. I enjoyed it enough to have a glass or two. Or more. I cannot remember. All I remember is the party becoming more joyful and loud, and William utterly failing at keeping it at a reasonable volume.

The next thing I knew, I had a glass of wine in my hand and Undertaker was leaned close to my face. He didn't have his hat on any longer, but he still had his entire suit on. It appeared untouched.

"Enjoying yourself, darling~?" His voice had a touch of sweetness, and it made me blush a bit. I nodded, realizing my free hand was not free at all. It was holding Undertaker's tie so he couldn't go far. He smiled a soft smile that my stomach flutter. "Either you quite like my tie, or you do not want me to go anywhere without you." I smiled at him.

"Go with the second answer, that one is more likely," I answered, taking a sip of the wine. The glass was now empty, so I set it down on a table nearby. Undertaker leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, "Be careful William doesn't find out, alright dear?" I nodded slowly, using my now free hand to move his face in front of mine once more. I do believe he understood what I wanted him to do, for he grinned a bit and kissed me softly. It was so soft I could barely feel his lips, so I leaned in more and he immediately deepened the kiss, holding me by the waist. The kiss lasted for quite some time before Undertaker pulled away from my lips and moved his lips to my neck. I gasped softly.

"U-Undertaker..! W-William might see..." I softly whispered, my voice barely audible over the music and other voices. Undertaker nodded a bit, but did not show any intent of pulling away. Instead, he continued to softly kiss my neck. I blushed, pulling his tie closer to myself, my other hand in his hair. He held my waist firmly but gently. I felt Undertaker being pulled away from me and I opened my eyes. William was standing there, his hand on Undertaker's shoulder, not looking at all pleased nor happy. Undertaker looked as guilty as a school boy caught writing on his desk.

"You know the rules. Both of you do," William said firmly, making me feel just as guilty.

"William, come on, is there any chance you'd allow us a chance? This is a party after all." Undertaker was trying to persuade William. That was near impossible to do. William shook his head, replying with, "No, you both know better. I'll have to tell the high Reapers in the morning, but for now, try to keep that from happening again." With that, William walked off, leaving the two of us alone again. I felt myself blush. Undertaker did not look at all happy anymore. In fact, he looked downright angry.

"So much for keeping it a secret. This will ruin..." He didn't finish, instead, he fixed his tie then sighed. "Your final exam is tomorrow." He saw me open my mouth to protest and said, "You already know everything, besides, I know you're ready." I sighed and nodded, knowing he was right. Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that he wanted me to take the exam this soon for another reason.

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