Chapter 9

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It was the next day and I woke up to Undertaker searching for his treats. Last night I had told him it would be somewhere no one liked. That definitely confused him. I got dressed in a black corset dress and walked out of my room. Undertaker was looking under his models, in his desk, everywhere you could think of. I giggled and he looked up at me. He was a mess! He didn't have his hat on, I could plainly see one of his eyes, and his hair looked ruffled.

"Oh~, good morning~, Nicu~," he said, smiling at me. He held up an envelope. "We've been~ invited to a party~, hehe~. It's for~ William~." I was surprised. William hated parties! I smirked at the thought of William drinking. "Would you~ like to go~?" I nodded.

"Of course!" Undertaker smiled more, quickly adding, "It's in~ ten minutes~." I stared at him. I sighed and imagined a black suit in my hand. I tossed it to Undertaker. I threw a black top hat at him as well, just for something extra. Undertaker looked at it, then looked to me, confused.

"You look like a mess. Besides, you should wear something formal for a party that is for William." Undertaker sighed, then walked off, mumbling, "Isn't this~ okay~?"

He came back quickly, just putting on the top hat when I saw him. He was wearing a tie instead of a bow-tie. Bow-ties seemed too wedding-like. I stared at the man that most saw as a creepy pervert. He looked... Perfect. He looked up at me, and gave me a small, provocative smile. I could see his eyes, his bangs slightly covering one of them. The other was perfectly visible. The scar on his neck couldn't be seen at all, but the one on his face was just visible underneath his right eye.

"Like what you see?" His creepy tone was gone and he was using more of a normal voice. I knew if I tried to speak, I'd only squeak, so I simply nodded. I realized I looked like I was going to a funeral. "Oh, darling, that is perfect, don't change." I was surprised until I realized our minds were connected and he could read my thoughts at times. I blushed. "Come on, we're going to be late, dear." Undertaker disappeared to the party and I immediately followed, not wanting to miss everyone's reactions to Undertaker's outfit.

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