Chapter 26

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Grell managed to convince me to dress in a white dress with a bow in the back. It had a purple gem in the middle of the chest. The sleeves did not go on the shoulders, but went on the upper arms. He gave me white gloves that went very slightly past my elbows. The dress itself was short and ruffled at the bottom.

When I returned to Undertaker, his eyes widened in surprise at my dress. He, himself, was still in his suit, but it seemed looser, so it appeared he could still dance. I giggled at him, hugging him. He hugged me back, kissing the top of my head.

"Do you still think it was a good idea to get married?" He asked, making me look up at him.

"Of course, it was your idea, anyways." He smiled gently at me.

"Nicu, might I speak with you?" I looked behind me and smiled. It was Sebastian. I nodded, turning to Undertaker, kissing him quickly. I pulled away, seeing him pout a little. I giggled and followed Sebastian to the wine table. I reached for a glass, but Sebastian blocked my hand.

"Sebastian, why are you blocking my hand?" I questioned, crossing my arms in a slightly cute way. Sebastian was amused, but replied, "It is not healthy for the baby." I looked down at my stomach.

"Oh," is all I said before Sebastian continued to speak.

"There is someone here that I do not recognize. He was not here for the ceremony, either." I looked at him, confused.

"Where is he?" I asked, a bad feeling settling in my stomach. Sebastian pointed to where Grell was. My eyes widened. "No, h-he cannot be here! Sebastian, he cannot be here!" I turned to him, confusion plain on his face.

"Why not? He seems pleasant enough."

"Because he hasn't seen me yet!" I froze as I heard the voice.

"Nicu! There you are, I was hoping I would see you soon!" He came closer, right behind me. I fought against trembling, instead kept my hands tight at my sides. "Oh, won't you turn and look at me?" I turned around, facing him, keeping a fake, bright smile on my face. 

"H-hello, Father," I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. Undertaker came over, my heart starting to rise. I reached and gripped Undertaker's hand. "This is my husband, Under-"

"Oh, that isn't his real name. We all know that. You know it, I know it, and he of course knows it."

"You know my name?" Undertaker questioned, surprised. My father chuckled. 

"Of course I do! Adrian Crevan, isn't it?" Undertaker flinched a bit, looking down. He nodded slightly, looking at me.


"This is your father?" Undertaker asked, surprised yet again, looking at my father. I nodded.

"Yes, this is him," I replied, my grip tightening on Undertaker's hand, my nails slightly digging into his skin. He winced, and looked at our hands, looking to me. 

"I do assume she has not told you my name, either?" Undertaker shook his head.

"I did not even know her father was alive..." Undertaker gave me a confused look. My father sighed, replying, "Little Neekie always did like to keep secrets." I cringed at the nickname internally, but kept my outside self perfectly cheerful. "Now, Nicu, might we discuss something in private?" I knew better than to argue with him, so I ended up following him to a separate room in the church.

"Yes, Fa-" A quick, sudden, hard slap to my cheek caused my eyes to widen and for me to see stars. Tears threatened to flow, but I held them back, knowing better than to cry in front of him.

"You truly were the stupid one. How many times have I told you, you cannot live a normal life? It simply is not possible for one like yourself," my father said.

"Father, h-he's different! We're already married, he loves me, an-" Another slap, this one harder. A yelp began to form in the bottom of my throat, and I held my hand over my mouth, muffling it.

"And he's going to have to suffer the consequence of your ridiculous stupidity." His voice remained calm, as if what he were doing was perfectly fine. I looked at him, suddenly for more than myself.

"W-what do you m-mean? What are you going to do to him?!" I cried, forgetting my place with him. 

"I'm going to make sure your problem is not leaked out. Meaning, his little, pathetic life will have to end. Do not forget, dear, this is your doing, not mine." He began to walk back to the hall, but I grabbed his arm.

"No! Don't hurt him! Please! I'll do-" He slapped me harder than he ever had before, causing me to take a few rough steps backward. I yelped out loud on accident.

"Idiot girl. Just like your-" He cut himself off, a different emotion flashing in his eyes. "Do not touch me again. If you do, it'll be worse." He walked out, straight to my love. I nearly began to cry, believing it all my fault. I ran after him, my tears vanishing, the smile appearing on my face once more.

"Undertaker!" I cried, feigning joy. I leapt at him, his strong, warm arms happily catching me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. He was, of course, shocked, but quickly kissed back. 

I could practically hear the growl in my father's throat, it frightened me. My fingers locked in Undertaker's long hair and I pulled away slowly and reluctantly. My love's eyes searched mine, worry in his bright, glowing eyes. He knows, I thought, he knows something is the matter. I felt my father firmly but gently pull Undertaker from me, and I was forced to keep fear out of my eyes. 

"I suppose you want to speak privately now, as well?" Undertaker mused, still fuzzy from our kiss. My father nodded, a smile playing on his lips. They walked off, Undertaker in ignorance, my father in triumph. I found I could not hold my father back this time and chased after them, beginning to tear up once more.

I found them outside the church, my father circling Undertaker as he spoke. Undertaker appeared amused yet confused, suspicion glinting in his eyes. My father spoke one thing and made Undertaker laugh, all suspicion ceasing. That was his chance. I knew it was. My father paused behind Undertaker, leaned forward, whispered something in his ear, then thrust something into my dear love's back.

"Stop it!" Out came a strangled cry, tears flowing down. "Not him!" I ran to them, my father stepping back as Undertaker fell onto his knees, swaying. "Adrian!" Undertaker looked towards me, his eyes glazed over in sadness.

"Nicu... was it real..?" Was all Undertaker got out.

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