Chapter 7

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Immediately after we returned to the real world, Undertaker and I both passed out. Me, because I was exhausted. Undertaker, because it drained him. So, practically the same reason. I woke up first and sat up, groaning from my headache. I saw that Undertaker was still asleep so I picked him up-he was so much lighter than I thought he'd be!-and put him in his coffin. He laid there for awhile. While I waited for him to wake up, I ate a few of his treats. He woke up sooner than I thought he would, and he saw me with half a treat out of my mouth. Yawing quietly, he walked over to me with a silly smile.

"You like~ my treats~?" I nodded. "So~ do I~" With that, he leaned forward and broke off the other half of the treat, kissing me ever so lightly as he did. As he pulled back, I asked, "Your name is Adrian?" He flinched at the name.

"Just~ at the perfect~ moment~," he tiredly sighed, sitting in his coffin. He waved me over and I sat in the coffin with him, blushing at our closeness. "Yes~, that was~ my name~, but now~," Undertaker paused, pulling a treat from his jar that had appeared in his hand, "it is~ Undertaker~. I much~ prefer that~ name~. If you~ had been~ paying attention~, you would~ know why~" My face burned red at his comment.

"Of course I payed attention! They were your memories so it would be wrong not to-" Undertaker grinned widely at this. "E-er, I mean- J-just forget that!" I stood up, but Undertaker grabbed my wrist. His grip was gentle, not harsh, so I sat back down.

"Dear~, that makes me~ smile more~ than I already~ do~. Hehe~, why~, it even makes me~ want to laugh~ more~." I smiled at that and hugged him tightly. I whispered, "Then, I guess I'll have to bring this up more often." Suddenly, Undertaker held me tightly. I heard him murmur, "Please don't," into my hair as he placed his head onto mine. I nodded slightly and continued to hug him. I felt something wet dripping onto my head and pulled away. I looked at Undertaker and saw that there were tears running down his face.

"Why are you crying?" I quietly asked him, gently pushing his bangs out of his face and wiping his tears away. They kept coming down. I held his face in my hands as he spoke. "No one has ever shown this much care to me. I felt so alone until now." He smiled sadly and softly. It made me want to cry myself, but I didn't. I let him cry. He never made a sound. I simply held him in my lap like he was a child and stroked his hair. His body shook a bit as he cried. I knew he was also crying because of his past he had to witness again. We stayed that way for the whole night. I fell asleep with his laying against me, his head in my lap, the rest of him curled up. He was too upset to have moved much, and I let him lay this way. I was too weary to move either.

It was perfect.

It was beautiful.

It was ruined.

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