Chapter 17

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I awoke to Undertaker poking my arm. Normally, I would have sighed at him and sat up, but today I felt quite grumpy.

"Stop! I need sleep, Adrian!" I said, glaring at him. He stared at me for a moment as if he was going to argue, then he ruffled my hair and stood up out of the coffin. I sighed and curled up more, yawing. It had been a few weeks since William and Undertaker's conversation. I still hadn't been able to figure out what they were talking about. I heard the shop door open, assuming Undertaker was going out again. He'd been going out a lot lately, and it worried me. He still had to do Reaper work because of William.

What I heard was not Undertaker leaving. No, it was a voice belonging to someone who needed to be punched.

"Is Nicu here? My young master wishes to-" the voice was cut off by Undertaker saying, "Right over~ here, Mr. Butler~. Nicu~!" I was drawn out by Undertaker's soft tone. I dressed in a silver dress, tying the strings myself. I put my locket around my neck and walked out, ignoring Undertaker's stares. I knew how much he loved this dress. It had sleeves that draped over my hands and it flowed to the ground, with a sort of trailing skirt.

"Yes? Do you need something, Sebastian?" I said his name calmly, keeping my hands to my sides. I started to feel cold, but I pushed the feeling aside, attempting to focus. Sebastian looked at me, a look of intrigue in his eyes.

"Yes, my young master wishes to see you. I've told him of your fighting skills-" I interrupted him, "Why in the world would such an impolite little demon like yourself do such a thing?" I was fighting against smirking, for I knew it was not lady-like to smirk. Sebastian seemed surprised for a moment, but managed to gain composure.

"Because when I returned to him after that unfortunate day in the Library, he asked why I seemed beaten. I was then forced to tell the truth, for I cannot lie to him." He smiled that odd smile that sent shivers up my spine, but I stood straight, not showing him any signs of weakness. "He then, after awhile, decided he wished to see the one who had beaten me." I nearly laughed.

"What? You've never been beaten before?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. He appeared annoyed, saying, "It is highly unlikely for someone to beat me." How full of himself, I thought.

"Alright, if he insists, then I suppose I'll meet him. Is that alright, Undertaker?" I asked, turning to Undertaker. He had been so quiet as we spoke. I saw he was eating treats, sitting on his desk, one leg swinging off. I smiled at him, amused. He nodded and I walked over to him. "I'll come back in one piece, I promise." Undertaker's smile faltered for a moment, then he smiled widely and creepily, his hand raising to my stomach, one finger stroking it slowly. I shivered at the feeling. It was one of the only things that would soothe me. I leaned forward and kissed him. I pulled away and tipped his hat even more over his face than it already was. "See you soon, Adrian," I whispered, smiling at him. I then turned to Sebastian. "Shall we?" Sebastian nodded, opening the shop door for me. I blushed. I supposed he was used to this sort of thing.

We walked out of the shop to a carriage parked right in front of it. He opened the door and I climbed in with his assistance. I sighed when he closed the door, grateful he did not attempt to speak to me as he helped me in. That is when I noticed the boy sitting across from me. I stared at him.

"Is staring all you are capable of doing?" the boy said, seeming bored. I heard Sebastian's voice say, "Young master, that is not a polite thing to say to such a lady." The boy sighed and held out his hand.

"I apologize, I've just been waiting for so long. I am Ciel Phantomhive, Earl of Phantomhive." I shook his hand, calming down.

"Oh, it's quite alright, your butler was rude enough when we met, I don't think anyone could have been more so. I'm Nicu Macaru." I smiled, saying, "I'm not much a lady of anything." He shrugged saying, "Doesn't Undertaker count?" I stared at him again.

"How did you know about that?" I asked, my hand going to my necklace. I always twisted it in my fingers when I was scared, nervous, or worried. Or confused, but that didn't apply here. He seemed quite calm and relaxed, as if this was a normal thing to say.

"Sebastian told me all he knew about you. Either he's angry at you for beating him, or he's fond of-" Ciel was interrupted when the carriage hit a large bump. "Hey! Sebastian! Be more careful! We don't need a crash before we get to the manor!"

"I have a feeling he does not agree with the second option," I said, my hand twitching as cold swept through me. Ciel did not seem to notice the movement, instead he seemed angry.

"Yeah, or he wants to kill me." I heard Sebastian sigh and say, "Young master, I could not have your soul if I killed you." Ciel's only visible ye widened slightly.

"Sebastian! She doesn't-"

"She already knows what I am. In fact, she's used it to her advantage, as I've told you already." Ciel seemed annoyed now.

"You don't have to be so smart about it." I smiled at this. How sweet, a butler and a young master getting along so well.


It did not take long to get to the manor. Once we arrived, it began to rain. I hoped it was light rain, for I would not be able to go out in a storm. I hated storms.

"This way, Nicu," Sebastian said, leading the way through the manor's halls. I thought we'd get lost before we came to our destination. However, we made it without any troubles. We had arrived in the dining room. It had a small table set with ornate chairs. There was a white tablecloth laid across it, as well. Plates and silverware were already set out. I was to sit on one end of the table, and Ciel sat at the other. Sebastian came out with plenty of food, enough for the three of us.

After we ate, Ciel beckoned Sebastian over to him and whispered something in his ear, then he stood up. He said, "Would you like to play chess?" I was surprised, then I remembered this was a child, and I nodded. I followed him to his study, sitting down at an already set chess table. "You know how to play, right?" I nodded, smiling.

"Of course. Who would agree to a game without knowing to play first?" Ciel shrugged, replying, "Elizabeth, I suppose." I tilted my head.

"Who is Elizabeth?" I asked.

"Lady Elizabeth Midford is my young master's fiancee," Sebastian explained, setting a small, fold-up table next to us. He placed a tea tray with two tea cups on the table. "Here is your afternoon tea. Earl grey." Ciel took the cup and took a sip.

"Thanks, now go tell the other servants not to mess the garden up. Especially Baldroy, he's such an idiot." Sebastian bowed, nodded, then left, leaving Ciel and I to our game of chess.


After the game, we talked for a bit. Ciel won, but he wanted to play again after our chat. We sipped our tea, spoke of Sebastian, of my abilities, and of Ciel's company. It was called Funtom Company. From what he had told me, it sold confectioneries and toys. I assumed the toy part was for Ciel and children like him.

We began playing again, but we were interrupted by Sebastian coming in.

"Young master, you told me to do it now, yes?" Sebastian asked. Ciel nodded, replying, "Yes, but try not to break anything. As much as I want to see this, I don't anything broken." I was confused, but before I could say a word, there was a knife to my throat.

"Defend yourself how you did before." Sebastian had the knife, butt it was he who should have been defending himself. I began to get dizzy, the room becoming incredibly cold. I stood up, my eyes becoming a dull pale white. I managed to grab Sebastian's arm and pulled him over me, his body hitting the table. He looked shocked, and I wanted to stop. I could not. I seemed skinnier, my bones visible under my now pale skin. I held a hand up, tightening it into a fist. Sebastian gasped, his body twitching.

"Sebastian!" Ciel cried, standing up. "Defend yourself, you idiot!" I fought against the bitter hatred towards Sebastian, the tightness of my hand lessening. I managed to stop this new other long enough for Sebastian to regain his breath. Sebastian stood from the ground, broken pieces of the table coming off his suit. The cold faded from the room and from me, but I was still pale, and I still felt bitter towards Sebastian.

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