Chapter 3

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We could hear Mr. Spears speaking as we neared his classroom.

"Now, when he arrives, do not get of your seats or start yelling out," he said. Undertaker and I walk into the classroom, causing the other students to gasp.

"It's him!" A student yells out. Another student replies to the other, "No way! He doesn't have the scythe! Besides, he doesn't look as dangerous!" Mr. Spears sighs and snaps at the students, "What did I tell you before they came?!" I couldn't help it; I leaned over and whispered in Undertaker's ear, "Prove you're the 'legend'. It'll be funny." Undertaker looked uncomfortable for a short moment, then grinned.

"Alright, but you'll owe me later~," he said, pushing his glasses. He summoned his scythe, and pointed it at Mr. Spears. I had no idea what he was planning, but I trusted him enough that I didn't say anything. Undertaker moved the scythe to Mr. Spears's glasses and, using the scythe, pushed them up. Everyone was too shocked to move. Mr. Spears was wide-eyed and surprised.

"Your glasses were falling down, William," Undertaker explained, grinning. "I didn't want everyone to have to wait as you pushed up your glasses." Mr. Spears's eyebrow twitched.

"If yo can help yourself, try not to do that again," Mr. Spears said. I couldn't help but laugh. I received a glare from Mr. Spears for laughing. I immediately quieted, but not because of his glare. I walked to the door, sensing something. Something-

"There's a demon in the Academy, Mr. Spears," I said, taking a step out of the classroom. I heard Mr. Spears yell, "What?!", but I ignored him. I continued walking, feeling the aura become stronger in the library. I walked into the library, ignoring the stares. I realized my dress was a bit too bold and a bit too tight and it showed, but I didn't care. I was too occupied with finding this demon.

As I turned a corner, I heard Grell and... Sebastian?! I saw Grell attempting to flirt with the butler.

"Grell what is that boy's butler doing here?" I asked, walking towards them. Sebastian turned toward me and eyed me with interest.. and something else I couldn't quite place... I shifted to one side, crossing my arms.

"Have you still not figured it out, miss?" Sebastian asked, his eyes becoming a bright red shade.

"You.. You're what I sensed! Demons are forbidden from the library! The entire Academy, in fact!" I walked closer to him, glaring. "Get out, you demon," I growled at him. Sebastian simply gave me a strange smile.

"Or you'll do what? Summon that pitiful excuse of a scythe? Threaten me?" he teased, coming closer to me with every word. He was soon close enough that I became uncomfortable. His smile only grew at my discomfort.

"N-no, but I can do something," I replied, trembling as Sebastian reached behind me and on the string that kept my dress tight. He was loosening it! I decided shoving him would not help in any way, so I closed my eyes and connected my mind to Undertaker's, speaking to him telepathically, "Undertaker, this demon is a bit too close for my comfort! Help!"

"Oh, my dear, you wear such pretty things, I doubt even William would have been able to help himself if you had stayed any longer," e replied. I blushed and opened my eyes. Sebastian was still giving me a strange smile.

"My, my, if you wished for my dress to be off, why did you not simply ask?" I said, giving Sebastian a confused look. He looked at me, surprised. "After all, this dress is a bit much for a visit to the Academy, don't you agree?" Sparks lit on the string, causing Sebastian to release it. Quickly, I closed my eyes and pictured myself in my usual outfit. (the same outfit from chapter 1) Then, before I changed into that, I allowed the dress to catch fire. I let it slip harmlessly off me, as my own fire was of no harm to me. For a mere second, I had nothing but my underclothes on until my usual outfit appeared on me. My eyes had changed to a fiery orange shade, They always did that when I went into my pyromancy state.

I must have attracted attention because I heard gasps and shouts as I walked threateningly to Sebastian.

"Have you no limits?!" I yelled, my eyes furiously blazing. "Don't ever come back to this Academy again!" The aggravating demon merely smirked.

"Or what? You'll do another fascinating parlor trick?" He was teasing me, daring me to go on. I foolishly fell for it, falling for my anger and for his teases. I shook my head, raising my right hand.

"No, but I will do this," I replied, opening up my fist. Fire trailed the ground, going straight for Sebastian. I twisted my hand to the side, bending the flames to my will, causing them to form a flaming cage around him. I began to close my hand, the flames acting with my hand; closing around Sebastian. The fire soon became close enough to singe his hair, but that's as far as it got before a voice froze me.

"Nicu! Stop! We don't need an awful burning corpse smelling up the whole Library!" Undertaker came running over, Mr. Spears close behind.

"I do love the excuse, darling," I said. Darling?! I thought. Why would I say darling?! "I suppose this has gone far enough." I dropped my hand, the blazing flames vanishing.

"Hmm, my name is darling now?" Undertaker quietly mused. "Other than that, instead of killing you, Mr. Butler, why don't we render you unconscious? We'd still have quite the fight before then."

"I'd rather not kill a Reaper or cause you to be one again," Sebastian replied. Before anyone could react, Undertaker was directly in front of Sebastian. There was a large scythe in his hand, the handle was of bones. It both frightened and excited me. Undertaker tapped Sebastian's chest with the tip of his scythe, smiling his silly smile.

"I don't have to come out of retirement to use this. Oh, and I'll gladly use it," he said, pushing his glasses up. Sebastian eyed this movement with interest, his hand in his suit. "Unless, of course, you leave now." Undertaker took a casual step back. Sighing, Undertaker went to push his glasses, muttering, "Pesky things..." Sebastian took that moment to pull out a knife, throwing it at Undertaker's glasses, causing them to shatter to pieces. Instead of reacting how I believed he would, Undertaker looked at the pieces in surprise and amusement. "That takes care of those," he said. He looked at Sebastian and grinned. "I didn't necessarily need those." Undertaker swung his scythe at Sebastian's chest. "But I do need this!" Sebastian dodged, a bit of his suit getting cut. He reached his hand into his suit to retrieve another knife, but I twitched my hand, causing his hand to stop. Sebastian looked at me in shock.

"Necromancer?" He mouthed at me. In answer, I balled my hand into a fist and forced my hand forward. The demon went flying into a bookshelf, the Records falling on top of him. My eyes turned a dull, corpse-like, green color. I was in my Necromancer state. Whatever happened next would not be my fault. I repeated this statement in my head, trying to convince myself of this. I tightened my fist more, causing Sebastian to twitch and arch.His mouth opened in a scream that never came to sound.

"Nicu! Enough!" I could barely hear William shout.

"Nicu! Although I'd love to watch this, release the demon!" Undertaker called out. My hand twisted, Sebastian acting in the same manner; his body twisting in an inhuman and most likely painful way. Undertaker put a hand on my shoulder, quietly saying, "Nicu, please, calm down and look at me." My hand opened as I turned my head towards Undertaker. Immediately, his concerned look shattered me, guilt rushing through me. Sebastian was wincing as he stood.

"My, my, you are quite the sorceress, aren't you? Why don't you finish the job?" he asked, agitating me. Undertaker grabbed my arm, as if already knowing I wanted to. William went to Grell, told him something angrily, then walked to Sebastian. He, Grell, and Sebastian spoke as Undertaker led me out of the Library and into the hall, away from everyone else.

"Nicu, are you alright? Your eyes turned such an odd color and you went dark." He looked a bit upset and I immediately felt guilt.

"I'm sorry. I just got caught in a... state," I replied, looking down. "He was just such a pervert!" Undertaker chuckled and nodded.

"True, but he is a demon. He just can't help his devilish behavior." We both laughed at the dreadful joke, trying to stay cheerful. It worked, but only until early the next morning.

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