Chapter 28

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(a/n him with kids... YES!)

I knew I had messed up. I knew it from the moment Undertaker gave me that look. Yet, I knew, from the bottom of my darkening heart, that Undertaker would not leave me, even if I became a terrible monster. I was given further evidence of this after I had the baby. It was a girl, and she had eyes the same bright neon green as Undertaker's, the silver hair as the both of us, and pale skin, like Undertaker. She was beautiful. 

Undertaker and I decided over her name for awhile, until we settled on Annabelle. She was perfect. Undertaker refused to let her out of his sight, and so did I, so we refused to leave the shop until she was three years old. At that point, we had relaxed and backed off on the over protection.

We were now content on our family, though, especially Undertaker. Annabelle was quite obnoxious in the morning, and I had decided for weeks at a time that it would be Undertaker's turn to calm her down. He always got his revenge though... No matter how many times I told him not to have his revenge in front of Anna...

"Nicu! Do you know where my treats have gone?" Undertaker's voice snapped me out of my daydreams. I smiled, quite amused.

"Oh, they're right here, with Annabelle!" I called back. I stroked Annabelle's long, silver hair, smiling at her nibble on Undertaker's delicious treats. She loved them as much as he did.

"W-what?! How did she get them?!" Undertaker sounded a bit panicked. I giggled softly, watching Annabelle look up at me in confusion.

"I gave them to her, she loves them," I said, seeing him walk into the bedroom, his hat tilted on his head. I could see his eyes and that made me smile. "Just as much as I love your eyes." Undertaker smiled softly when he saw Anna. She was lying on her back, looking at him upside down, a treat sticking halfway out of her mouth.

"Oh, Nicu, she becomes more adorable each day," Undertaker said, his voice and eyes soft.

"Daddy!" Anna cried, her arms reaching out to him, rolling onto her stomach. Undertaker practically melted at this, but went to her and lifted her into the air nonetheless. He tossed her up into the air and caught her repeatedly, causing her to giggle. I giggled myself.

"Hello, darling! Were you being a good girl for Mommy?" Undertaker asked, smiling brightly and proudly. Anna giggled more, arms always reaching to Undertaker.

"Oh, yes, she was an absolute angel! Well, if angel means she screamed and ran around until I gave her your jar, then an absolute angel." I smiled as Undertaker gave Anna a look, holding her in his arms.

"Now, now, Annabelle, you have to be good for Mommy!" Undertaker tried to be stern with her, but she gave him a kiss on the cheek and he melted, smiling softly. "Too cute," he softly said, sitting next to me on the ground, pulling a treat out of the jar. He stuck it into his mouth and grinned at me. Annabelle reached up and snapped half of it off, nibbling on that part. I giggled at them and laid onto my back, stretching my arms.

"NICU! HOW COME WE HAVE TO COME TO VISITS AND YOU DON'T COME TO US?!" I heard the loud, whining voice belonging to Grell. I heard him run through the shop straight to the bedroom, as if he knew. He burst into the room, pouting. As if on cue, William came as well, whacking him on the back of the head.

"Can't you be calm for ten minutes, Sutcliff? Honestly," he said, sighing. I fake pouted at them, still laying down.

"Honestly, you two can be so obnoxious. Can't you be any quieter?" I mimicked William's voice, watching his eye twitch slightly.

"Unciiieeeeeeeees!" Annabelle cried, squirming out of Undertaker's arms to Grell. Grell grinned and picked her up, spinning around.

"Oh, Willy! Look at how cute she is!" Grell cried, leaning against William's shoulder. "How cute would it be for us to have one?!" William looked completely shocked then absolutely angry.


"Aw, are you two a couple now," I teased, smiling cutely and innocently, resting my head in Undertaker's lap. He stroked my hair, making me purr. William looked ready to kill everyone present.

"Absolutely not! Please refrain from mentioning or suggesting such a thing again. It's revolting!" William exclaimed. Undertaker and I burst into laughter.

"We're just teasing you, William!" Undertaker said, laughing. 

I understood then that it did not matter what I did, these people would always care for me..

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