Chapter 20

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Undertaker brought me back into the shop, his arms still around me.

"You're not letting me go, are you?" I asked, smiling up at him. He looked down at me, worry, concern, and fear in his bright eyes.

"Never," he said, his arms tightening safely around me. He walked me to the bedroom, sitting on the bed with me. I sat in his lap, my arms loosely wrapped around his waist. A little of my flirtatious personality came through, causing me to realize the muscle he had. My hands spread over his stomach, my eyes widening slightly at the toughness of him. I felt his stomach vibrate as he laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, my hands flat against his stomach. He looked at me, smiling, quite amused.

"It tickles. Plus, I find it funny you're that you are prodding my torso." I blushed.

"But, you're so muscular! How are you so muscular yet so skinny?!" As I spoke, I pressed my hands on his waist and chest, feeling more of his muscles. He had his shirt on, so I could not feel it as well. Undertaker smirked, saying, "I suppose you would want to see what you're touching?" Without a second thought, I nodded quickly, my fingers clutching his shirt. He blushed and smiled at me. "Go ahead then, Nicu."

I began to pull his shirt up, wonder flashing through my eyes. I started pulling it up over his head and he raised his arms. It finally came off, and I let it drop to the ground. I stared at his pale chest, seeing the faint lines of muscle. Then I saw scars. There were two that I saw, a small one over his heart and another coming over the right side of his chest, before I pressed my hands onto the muscles on his stomach. I stroked them curiously with my finger, getting a squirm from Undertaker.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at him. He had the expression of someone suppressing laughter. "Does it tickle?" He nodded, blush spreading across his face. I smiled mischievously at him. I stroked my fingers over his stomach more, watching him close an eye as he tried to keep from laughing. I started tickling his stomach, and he covered his mouth, still trying to keep his laughter in. "Oh, come on. I'll stop if you laugh for me~." He looked at me,the one eye still closed. I grinned at him, placing my hands on his strong chest, pushing him down onto his back gently.

"N-Nicu, what are you doing?" Undertaker asked, a bit of shock playing in his emotional eyes. I smirked at him. I did not answer, instead, I tickled him more, making him squirm. "Nicu!" I laughed and continued to tickle the madman. He burst into laughter, making me smile. I tickled my love more and more. "Nicu! S-stop!" Undertaker cried, laughing hysterically. He looked as if it tickled a bit too much, which was confirmed when he said, "Nicu! That's too much! It hurts! Too much laughter!"

"Oh Adrian, there's no such thing as too much laughter!" I said, still tickling him. He grabbed my hands, still laughing.

"Yes there is!" He looked at me, his laughter slowing. After his laughter faded, he gave me a look of mischief. "I'll prove it~." My eyes widened as I realized what he was saying.

"Oh, Adrian! Please don't-" He rolled us both over so he was above me, smiling. "Please!" He only smiled more.

"Nicu, it is only fair, my love." I sighed and smiled at him.

"It is not fair unless I am the same as you were." He was confused, so I nodded at his bare chest. "You have no shirt on." He blushed, saying, "Oh." I giggled, imagining the dress off. As soon as it was, Undertaker started to tickle me, causing me to shiver from the sensation and delight. "Your turn now, Nicu!" Undertaker exclaimed, smiling, tickling me more. I began to laugh, squirming. I raised one leg, trying to move away, but Undertaker held my legs down by sitting on my hips. I blushed.

"Undertaker! It really tickles!" He gave me an amused look, saying, "Is that not the point?" He tickled me more, my laughter becoming louder and more plentiful. He grinned more, his tickling making me laugh more and more. I soon felt a bit painful as I laughed and as he tickled me and I squirmed more.

"Undertaker! It hurts! P-please, too much tickling!" He didn't show any signs of stopping, in fact he seemed to be tickling me more. It soon became too much, so I cried, "Adrian Crevan!" Undertaker froze, looking at me. His eyes were wide, the shock on his face from my yell of his full name. My laughter ended, and we both stared at each other. I was breathing heavily, catching my breath.

"You didn't have to say the whole thing," Undertaker mumbled, his hands on my stomach.

We hadn't heard the door open, nor did we hear Ciel walk back to the bedroom, calling for Undertaker. When he stood in the doorway and yelled, "What the hell?!" we noticed him. Undertaker and I jumped. Undertaker's face was entirely red. "Undertaker, what the hell are you doing?!" I knew what Ciel could see; he could see Undertaker keeping me down by sitting on my hips, and he could see Undertaker had no shirt on. I assumed he could tell I had nothing on but my underclothes, for he looked away, slight blush on his face. Sebastian came in quickly after, his eyes widening. Undertaker sighed, his hands sliding up, but he did nothing else. In fact, he was only moving his hands to mine. He weaved his fingers through mine.

"Hello again, Lord Earl, I thought you had what you wanted when you left." Undertaker released one of my hands, stroking my stomach with one slender finger. I squirmed a bit, my legs moving underneath him. I must have nudged somewhere because Undertaker stiffened a bit and had a certain look on his face. He seemed touchy there, and I understood.

"Yes, but Sebastian reminded me of something else. Oh, get off her and get a shirt on!" Undertaker smirked, stroking my stomach gently.

"Is that an order you're trying to give me? I don't listen to orders from you, Lord Earl~." I smirked at Undertaker, bringing my leg up again, my knee nudging the spot more. Undertaker blushed and made a small sound.

"Please get off of me, Adrian~," I said, my voice gentle and sweet. Undertaker nodded very slightly, getting off of me. I pulled the blanket up to cover myself, sitting up against the plenty pillows. Undertaker did not want his shirt so he sat next to me without retrieving it.

Sebastian looked like he knew what had happened, looking quite amused with us. Ciel, on the other hand, did not. Quite the contrary, in fact.

"Now, can you tell me about the Reapers? They're quite annoying and get in the way too often." Undertaker smiled widely, slipping back into his original creepy self.

"Well~, seeing how I've already~ had quite~ the laugh~," he said, wrapping an arm around me, "I suppose~ so~." Then, Undertaker explained what the Reapers were and how they worked. I became too sleepy to pay attention any longer, and laid my head in Undertaker's lap, my eyes slowly closing. I felt Undertaker's delicate, slender fingers stroke my hair as I fell into a peaceful sleep.

With this comfort in my mind as I slept, I dreamed of beautiful things; Undertaker and I holding a child, the child's first laugh, and Undertaker sitting with me in the hospital, me holding the child delicately in my arms. As I pulled the blanket away from the baby's face, I saw hollow. black eyes instead of normal eyes. I screamed, the rest of my sleep becoming dreamless.

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