Chapter 3 - Andy

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For the first time in a while, I wake with a clear mind - even if I did drink my way through a bottle of wine with a woman who I'd only just met.

Delilah and I talked until the early hours, long after some of the other holidaymakers had retired to their rooms in a drunken haze, and most likely to continue their celebrations or pass out. There's gonna be a few sore heads this morning, but mine ain't one of them.

I finish packing up the last of my stuff and head down to the restaurant for breakfast. There's a few people there already, some looking worse than others. I scan the place for any signs of Delilah, but she's not here.

I grab a few bits from the buffet, reaching out for a bread roll at the same time as someone else. "You take it". I say, heading for another and then looking across to see Delilah grin at me.

"How charming, you have it". She smiles and pops it on my plate, then grabbing another for herself, "and good morning".

"Good morning". I say, then getting some fruit and offering her some. She plucks a couple of slices of Melon from the plate and then laughs lightly.

"So apparently now we're choosing breakfast for one another".

I throw her a look. "You stole my bread roll".

"I think you'll find that I actually gave it to you - I'm not a thief".

I now shove a small pot of yoghurt onto her plate. "No offense, but you strike me as the healthy type, you wanna join me?"

"After sitting at the 'forever alone' table for the last few weeks? Yes". She seems grateful that I've asked and we grab some juice, heading for a small table away from everyone else. "What time is your flight?" She asks, beginning to butter the roll.

I frown. "Did I tell you I was leaving today?" Did I get drunk last night after all? Or just forgetful? Her answer now determines that it's the latter.

"You told me, I leave in a couple of days thank god". She sighs. "I'm ready to go home now - there's only so much I can take being away from there".

"Home bird eh?" I ask.

Delilah nods. "Through and through - what's it like where you're from?"

I shrug. "Colorado? It's ok - Been there about a year, needed to get away from Newton".

"Newton?" She questions, her accent coming out more on certain words than others.

"Boston, technically. Newton was where I lived before...yeah..." I trail off.

She smiles weakly at me. "It's ok - we'll say no more about it".

Delilah knows the drill - not to press on the matter. She's been there, done that and probably still is doing it, just like how she casually explained it last night. It's still fresh for her, she lost her husband after I lost Jake and Laurie, so she's had less time to grieve - but she's handling it well all things considering.

"It's fine". I reassure her. "Just...gotta try and move on".

"Here, here". She agrees quietly and then takes a sip of her orange juice.

I look at her, "I suppose I should thank you for making my last night here not suck as much as the rest of the holiday has".

"Anytime" she says and then grabs a napkin, taking a pen out of her bag. "And if you ever want to rant, talk, anything? This is my email address - a listening ear if you want one".

I take the napkin and smile, then gesturing for her to pass me her pen which she does. "I'm all for listening ears, gotta be honest there's not really anyone to talk to where I am. I haven't exactly made an effort to make any friends".

I haven't wanted to either. Sure I talk to work colleagues about work but I don't socialise with them outside of the job. I keep myself to myself - it's better this way.

"You know what we should do, send one a day to one another just to check the other is still breathing".  I now suggest.

"What, like an email a day keeps the grief away?" She chuckles and then nods in acceptance, "ok then, one email to one another every day, it can be anything, even just one word or a picture".

I nod in agreement, "alright then, starting tomorrow".

We finish our breakfast and make our way back to our rooms, she's on a higher floor than me and we have to part ways at the elevator.

"It was nice to meet you Andy, you have a safe trip home". Delilah smiles as the doors open and she gets in.

"You too, I'll be sure to email you and let you know". I smile back, hands in pockets as the elevator doors begin to close on us both.

"You'd better". She says before the doors close between us, the elevator now heading up to the floor she needs.

I stare at them for a while and then realise I need to get my stuff and check out.

Back to reality and into another year without my son.

Already I can sense that perhaps it may be different than the last.

An Email a Day (Andy Barber)Where stories live. Discover now