Chapter 14 - Andy

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I look at the book that Delilah has sent me. It took a few weeks to come but it's been worth the wait. She's even written me a message inside.

Andy - a copy of my bad day bible. Hope it helps you like it does with me. Love Deli x

I smile and know instantly it'll end up being something I go to regularly.

"Looks interesting" Victoria now knocks on my office door and I look up and smile. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt".

"It's ok - friend in England sent me over something".

She comes in and now looks at the book. "Very sweet, you ready to go?"

"I'll be five minutes. Just need to send a couple more emails". I tell her and put the book in my briefcase so I don't forget to take it home with me.

"Ok, I'll wait for you in the lobby". She says and leaves to wait for me.

I take out my phone and WhatsApp Deli quickly before I head out for dinner with Victoria.

The book arrived. You were right, looks like it's gonna help a lot x

Packing away what I need I grab my briefcase and head out to meet Victoria in the lobby. She's waiting for me and smiles once I join her. "All sorted?"

"For tonight anyway" I say and hold the door open for her while we walk out, "Right now I think we both need something to eat".

"I'd say a glass of wine too but I forgot you don't drink much, so juice it is".

I chuckle. "Rather have a clear head, got a hearing tomorrow morning so I've gotta be prepared".

She snorts. "You'd be able to deal with a case and win it even if you were half drunk. You've put a few people to shame in the office".

"I very much doubt that". I say, opening the passenger side door so as she can get in before getting in myself.

The evening is nice, casual, not stuffy and awkward like some dates are.

Yeah, it's a date.

Thankfully Deli gave me some wise words to help when I told her about it. If you're gonna do a bit of the sex then for the love of god wrap it up. The last thing you want is her draining you of child support!

I very much doubt we're gonna be ending up like that this early, but I'll keep that in mind.

You'd better. I ooze wisdom. Just enjoy yourself, you obviously like her enough to take her to dinner. Just keep on being yourself and who knows what may happen.

Like the gentleman that I am, I walk Victoria to her door as the night comes to an end. She turns to me. "Do you wanna come in? Coffee?" She now asks.

"I should really get back, but how about next time?"

"I was worried that you were going to not want a next time". Her eyes meet with mine. "I, really had a great time - honestly one of the nicest evenings that I've had in a while".

I nod in agreement. "Same here..." and then after a pause between us both I lean in and kiss her gently. "I'll see you tomorrow".

She smiles, cheeks flushed and unlocks her door. "Goodnight Andy" her voice is soft and I tur, heading back to the car, looking back briefly and then smiling to myself.

Once I'm in the car I sit there a moment and think about tonight, then getting out my phone and texting Victoria.

Thanks again for tonight, if you're free, let me take you out again this weekend? Andy

I get a message back, How does Saturday sound? Pick me up at 7? x

Perfect. See you tomorrow, we can decide where to go then x


I send a message to Deli later on that evening. I can't sleep, I'm still on a high from the date earlier.

Date went well, I'm seeing her again Saturday and before you ask, no we didn't do a 'bit of the sex'. Did get a kiss though, so hey - guess we're gonna see where this goes, but it's looking good.

I scroll through my phone until her reply comes up. Ooh la la! A kiss! How was she? Any tongue action? I want the gory details!

I chuckle and message her back, It was pretty good, I'm still a little rusty on the old dating part, kiss was better than I thought though and no, no tongue action - YET.

Tut tut, denying the poor girl of a bit of tongue...unless you're planning to put it elsewhere. 😈😈😈

I cant believe you just said that. 😂

I have no filter remember? What you see is what you get. Was I right though?

I am so not telling you that 😏

OMG that means yes then! You didn't deny it!

I laugh to myself and shake my head. I gotta head to bed, no more tongue talk

For tonight 😈

aaaaaand goodnight!

Night tongue twister 😏😜 oh that's sticking now.

I've gotta have the last say in this and know I will hitting send after I type exactly what I need to. That's what she said 😉

This is the first night I actually sleep well in a hell of a long time.

An Email a Day (Andy Barber)Where stories live. Discover now