Chapter 19 - Andy

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"So I was thinking that we could get away for Christmas?" Victoria suggests as we chill on the sofa one evening. The months just seem to have flown by and now we're on the cusp of October, so goodbye to summer and hello autumn nights like this one. "What do you think?" 


I'm gonna have to tell her about the wedding I'm heading to, then again I'll be back a few days before Christmas. It's a lot of travelling though. 

"Where were you thinking?" I ask as she huddles closer to me.

"I don't know really, that's why I was suggesting it. We could hide away in a cabin somewhere or we could head somewhere hot?" 

I think about it and then know I have to tell her. "I'm in the UK for a wedding a week before Christmas."

She looks a little surprised. "Oh? I didn't realise. Your friend? What's her name, Debby?" 

"Deli" I confirm, "It's not her, it's a friend - we both know her" I add knowing she'll think it's weird for me to be going all the way over there just to be a plus one. 

"Oh, right ok then - well we can always go for New Year or something?" She suggests, "Or stay at home for this one and maybe think about next year".

"How about after New Year, Valentines or something - romantic weekend away, just me and you?" I smirk and kiss her gently. "You choose". 

Victoria grins. "Sounds wonderful. I'll have a look and see". 

Well at least she's not pissed. "I'll be back a few days before Christmas" I tell her. 

She pouts, "I'm gonna miss you". 

"It's a week, got my flight the day after the wedding anyway so I'll be home before you know it". 

"Is it really worth it though? Just for a week? You know how much flights cost - you're going to be jet lagged"

I chuckle. "I'll be ok - I'll keep in contact, promise". 

Victoria grins and gives me another kiss. "How about we head upstairs and you can suffer from 'bed lag' tomorrow morning" there's that naughty look she always gives. 

"I should really finish some work on this case, but I'll be up soon ok?" I feel bad but really need to finish this. 

She nods and kisses me once more before heading upstairs. 

I settle at the laptop and do some work until a ping comes through on my Whatsapp. 


Does this look shit?  and then sends a picture of the front of her shop, decorated for autumn. There's a scarecrow, a wheelbarrow with some pumpkins and an autumnal flower arch. 

She must've spent hours prepping and putting this together. It's amazing. 

Holy shit Deli, did you do that?

With my blood, sweat and many tears later? Yes. Bastard Scarecrow kept falling over though and Abi almost shit a brick this morning when she came in and thought someone was lying dead on our floor! 😂😂

Have I ever told you how talented you are? 

No, but I'm gonna take it. 😏 Just wait until you see the Christmas one - oh wait! You will in person because you'll be here! 😊

And I can't wait 😊 . Really though that looks amazing. I bet the kids love it. 

I honestly can't wait to get off that plane and see her. It's all well and good talking over the phone and emailing, but to see her again? In some ways part of me doesn't know what to expect.

Kids are all over the window displays, especially Christmas. I love to make it that extra bit magical. 🥰

Well I can't wait to see it - or you 

Too much? Not really because it's the truth. Two friends, meeting each other again after practically a year. 

"Babe, you coming up? Bed's getting a little cold!" Victoria calls down. 

I turn back to the phone, seeing Deli's reply. Can't wait to see you too 😊

Don't ruin what you have idiot.  My brain tells me and I know it's right. I can't fuck up what I've gained, especially when I love the woman waiting for me upstairs a hell of a lot. 

"Coming!" I call, pushing the niggling feelings back into the far corner of my mind once more, and then make my way upstairs. 

All the while though, I know I'm gonna be counting down the days to December. 

An Email a Day (Andy Barber)Where stories live. Discover now