Chapter 18 - Delilah

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"So he's moving on and with Law and Order?" Abi asks as we look through rails and rails of wedding dresses at the bridal shop. 

"That what we calling her now?" I smirk and trace my fingers over the lace of one dress. 

"I mean, I could call her worse if we're gonna go down that road?" 

I pause and shake my head. "No. It's fine, I'm sure she's a very nice girl - I just found it a little bit sketchy that she researched him before pouncing". I already know she's a nice girl, stunning in fact - I all but made Andy send me a picture so i could give her a rating out of 10. And what did I give her? More than damn 10 because she looks it. 

"I did before going out with Ethan - just to make sure he wasn't Ted Bundy or something". She laughs, "But that was just Facebook, this chick Googled him!" 

"So we're in agreement it's a little suss right?" I make my point and Abi nods, pulling out one dress and putting it up to her. 

"What about this style?" 

I tilt my head and try to picture her in it. The shop assistant is picking out a few styles different to the one she imagines herself in. She could wear a paper bag and make it look great anyway so any style she can pull off in my book. "Take it in" I agree and continue skimming through the dresses. 

"I just think you should tell him how you feel Deli, did you not say anything about how sketchy Victoria was googling his ass?" Abi calls from inside the changing cubicle. 

Geez, the shop assistant must think we're nuts. 

"How can I? He's happy - the way he talked about her? He's in love and who am I to ruin his happiness? He's been through shit". 

Abi's head appears between the curtain, "Because you're one hundred times better than that Victoria bitch" she hisses and then whips her head back inside the cubicle again. 

"He's still coming to the wedding. I told him he didn't have to but he is". 

Her head pokes out again. The poor assistant is probably going mad. "I'm calling it that he likes you as well". 

I roll my eyes. "If he did then he wouldn't be with another woman". 

She now emerges and shuffles to the little podium to stand on and take a look. "Yeah, but he'd have backed out. He literally messaged you the other week telling you when he'd be flying in". She now turns around to face me, "Guy wouldn't travel hundreds of miles to be a plus one in another country if he didn't feel something". 

"You look amazing". I smile as I take her in, and hope to turn the subject from Andy once more. 

"It doesn't make my arse look big does it?" She looked back at herself to see whether it does. 

"Can't be as bad as what Will's mother said to me when I was dress shopping". 

Abi rolls her eyes. "That bitch, I honestly wanted to slap her so bad for that" 

"And for the record no, you haven't got much arse remember". I smirk. 

She throws me a grin, "Right, I'll try on the others" and hoists up the dress, making her way back into the changing room.

I check my messages while she's in there and contemplate sending one to Andy. I open my emails and begin to type. 

Maid of Honour duties begin today. Looking for Abi's dress - pretty sure she's gonna end up with multiple ones to wear as she's loved all of the ones she's picked out. She looks good in everything too. Hoping the bridesmaid dress she wants me to wear doesn't make me resemble a golden egg (yep they're gold and sparky (in a nice way) so could also look like a walking firework at this rate). Will keep you updated on that one. 

How's that new case going that you told me about? You sounded a little stressed with it when we last spoke. Hope it's not giving you too much grief. 


I put my phone away and continue to watch Abi try on dress after dress but she just doesn't find one that she loves. We head back to mine and I can see that she's disappointed. hoping to find 'the one'. 

"I just...I don't know, none of them felt right at all". She sighs. 

"Well if we don't find one soon then you'll have to wear mine" I smirk and then pause. "Why don't you try mine on?" 

She looks a little shocked. "What? No Deli I can't..." 

"Go on, who knows? It may just be the one". I say, "Plus it's been stuck in the wardrobe forever, let's just see what you look like in it". 

She's reluctant but we go upstairs and I pull my dress out for the first time since it came back from the dry cleaners. Abi takes it and I help her to put it on, both of us then looking in the mirror. "Oh my god..." She breathes.

It's the one. 

She knows it and so do I

"Deli...I...can't wear this. I'm already getting married at the venue that you and Will did and..." 

I stop her. " just needs altering slightly on the length, but it looks amazing on you - it can be your something borrowed. I'm not gonna wear it again am I?" I grin. 

She really does look lovely in it. 

"You really wouldn't mind me wearing it?" 

"Saves you buying a dress you won't wear again. Will would say the same". 

My phone lights up and I look back and see Andy's message come through, then turning back to Abi. "I'm serious Ab, I want you to take it". 

She hugs me tightly as we both seem to cry at the emotion of actually finding her dress. "Deli, you're the bestest friend ever..." She whispers. "I'll look after it, I promise". 

It needs another outing and I know it'll be safe with Abi. 

I take my phone and look at the message. 

Deli, I can tell you now that you won't resemble an egg or firework of any kind. You'll look great in whatever Abi chooses. 😉 Case is fine, less stress now some hard parts are done with. You'll be happy to know I'm still off the beer and stuff - so once it's over I'm celebrating with coffee instead! 

Call you tomorrow? Need to hear some British humour after a shit week. 


I can feel Abi reading it over my shoulder and quickly hide the message. 

She just looks at me with a weak smile. "Yeah...because he doesn't have any slight feelings for you at all..." before heading into the bathroom to change out of the dress. 

An Email a Day (Andy Barber)Where stories live. Discover now