Chapter 26 - Andy

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All my messages to Deli go unanswered when I try to contact her the next day. I know she had a wedding that she was prepping for so she may have got caught up in that - but that doesn't stop my feeling of unease. 

I have to know that she's ok...

"What's up?" Victoria asks as I check my phone for probably the millionth time that day. 

"Deli, she's not replying - I'm just a little worried that's all" 

She laughs lightly, "Andy, give the poor girl space - she's probably just busy with work". 

I frown to myself. 

Something doesn't seem right...she's acting strange and has been all day. I nod. "You're right, spring weddings are coming up and they're apparently always busy from then". 

"Mhmmm" She replies as she carries on eating dinner. "I'm sure she'll come to you when she's ready". 

I finish dinner and get up, sticking the plate into the dishwasher. "I'm gonna head up and do some work", giving her a kiss on her hair, but as soon as I'm in the study I check my phone. 

Something is definitely not right. Deli's an insomniac, even when she works she's always got her phone to hand in case of emergency. She relies on her phone. I check the call list and then see the facetime call that was made...

At 2am...

I wasn't awake then...


Everything falls into place. Deli not answering, the time of the call and why Victoria is acting strange. I grab my jacket and car keys and head downstairs. "Just gonna run to the office, forgot my briefcase!" I call. 

"Ok babe!" Victoria calls from the kitchen where she's finishing stacking the dishwasher. 

I get in the car and begin to drive, finding somewhere to park up before I finally call Deli. 


"Deli...I know Vic has said something to you, I'm fucking sure of it - now answer the damn phone because I need to know what's going on!" 

I end the call and sit there. 

My phone goes off and I grab it. "Deli?" 

"Andy..." She says quietly. 

"Did she call you last night from my phone?" I now ask. 


I feel sick. "And what did she say. Tell me everything". 

And she does. 

She wants Deli to break off contact, she told her that she was a fucking burden? I listen as she relays word for word what was said and then wince as she finishes. "She's right though..." Deli starts after a breif pause. 

" she's not, she's wrong..." I tell her 

"Andy...I'm going to tell you this because I care - she's not the right woman for you. You deserve so much better than what you've been dealt". 

"'s you I want..." I don't fucking deserve her and she can tell me that if she wants. I know I don't, but I've been so blind as to realise what was in front of me. It was her. All this time it was her. "I shouldn't have come home I should've stayed. But when you told me to I knew you didn't feel the same way..." 

I hear her crying now. "Andy...I've always felt the way you do but I never wanted to ruin it. I didn't want to be a homewrecker. You were so happy, I couldn't take it away from you..." 

"I was happier with you..." I admit. "I need to speak to Victoria..." 


"No I'm gonna. I can't marry her. I'm gonna tell her everything, just like I should've done when I got back". 

"Just...let me know how it goes ok? I have to go but let me know, then maybe we can decide what the hell we're going to do". 

I smile lightly to myself. "I promise...Deli, I'm so sorry..." 

"Me too..." 


I get back home and see Victoria on the couch watching some TV. Reaching for the remote I switch it off. "We need to talk..." 

"What's wrong?" She now asks. 

"Everything that's what". I stare at her. "I know you took my phone when I was asleep last night, and I know you called Deli". I see her face change. "She told me everything, about how you warned her off - what the fuck!" 

Victoria looks at me. "So you believe her over me?" 

"You fucking called her! Of course I do! She's never once lied to me!" 

"You seriously think it's easy to watch you laugh and chat away with another woman every fucking day! It's not right Andy! Geez next thing you'll be telling me is that you fucked her..." She now sees my face. "Oh my god...oh my god you did, didn't you". 

I sigh. "I did, but we both decided it was better to remain friends". 

"Do you love her".  She demands. 

I pause and then nod. "Yeah...I do, and I'll admit that what I did was shitty, but what you've done? You have no right to demand who I talk to, or to tell them that they're a burden. Deli's the best fucking thing that ever happened to me. I realise that now". 

Victoria glares at me. "I can't fucking believe you, I can't believe you actually slept with her while I sat here at home waiting for you!" She slaps me and then pulls the ring off her finger. "We're done asshole". 

"I'm glad!" I bite back. "You're no better than  Laurie". 

She freezes. "What..." 

"You heard". I storm upstairs and pack my stuff, leaving the ring on the table and then load my car up. I have nothing more to say to Victoria just as she doesn't with me. 

The cloud that I didn't know was hanging over me lifts as I drive away and back to my place. 

I know what I need to do...

I know what I have to do...

An Email a Day (Andy Barber)Where stories live. Discover now