Chapter 24 - Andy

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"We should talk..." I hear Deli's awkward tone the next morning as she sits on the end of the bed.

My mind's been a mess all morning, ever since I woke up and remembered what happened last night. We haven't really spoken, and instead chose brief conversation such as how many sugars she has in her tea or whether I wanted milk in my coffee.

"Andy..." I turn and she smiles weakly. "It was a mistake". She now says and looks at me seriously. "You have Victoria waiting for you back home. Last night? It's not fair on her or you. You've got something good going. You love her for goodness sake, and I don't wanna be the one to fuck it up for you. You can't afford to let something like that go to waste".

I finally speak. "Delilah..." but I'm cut off.

"You need to go home to her Andy. You and I both know you do. But I'll always be here, and I'll always care about you. People make mistakes and last night we made one".


Now I know how she feels about it all. About me.

"A mistake..." I repeat back calmly.

"Andy...we can't screw up".

I nod. "Right, yeah...because we're friends..."

Now it's her turn to nod in agreement. "I can't be that woman who wrecks a perfectly good relationship. It's not me, and I don't want that on my conscience".

"I know...and you're right". I finally say, "Last night? It was a stupid mistake".

"We can still be friends can't we? I don't wanna lose you over this...not now..."

I smile lightly and hug her. "You'll never lose me Del, what we have..."

"It's too good to risk" She finishes my sentence.

That seals it.

She helps me with my bags to the waiting taxi and we hug once more. "Go home to her Andy, it's the right thing to do". Deli whispers as we hug goodbye.

I hold onto her tightly and take in her perfume. "I'll send you a message when I land ok?"

"You'd better, or I'll just hop on a place and come kick your arse".

I grin and nod to her as I get into the taxi, giving her a little wave goodbye when it begins to pull away.

I have to go home, just like she wants me to. She's right about everything. She's never been wrong before. At home I have everything I want and need - a future, and here?

Well...I have Deli.

"You're home!" Victoria throws her arms around me and gives me a kiss. "I've missed you".

I hold her tightly. "Missed you too, everything ok while I was gone?"

"Of course it was, but it didn't feel right without you here". She says and makes me a coffee.

I sit down on the couch and pull my phone out, opening WhatsApp and seeing Deli's picture. It's changed from her and her husband to just her now.

Got back ok, jet lag setting in. I message.

Her reply comes soon after. I'm glad 🙂 bet Victoria missed you.

Yeah, she's pretty happy to have me back.

I don't see what she puts next as Victoria brings in the coffee and snuggles on the sofa with me. "So how was your friend?" She asks as I put an arm around her. "And the wedding of course, was it magical?"

"Well the bride looked lovely, everyone had a great time - few hangovers this morning". I smirk. "But yeah, it was a great day". I pause, "in fact it made me think about us..."

She looks up at me. "Oh right?"

I sit up as does she, and take her hands in mine. Taking a deep breath I now ask her what I've been wanting to. "I know I don't have a ring yet, but if I'm honest I've been thinking about this a lot lately and yesterday only confirmed what I want to do, what you mean to me...will you marry me?"

Her mouth falls open. "Oh my god..." and then she beams at me. "Yes!"

While she's on the phone to her parents sometime later I text Deli.

She said yes

Her reply comes back minutes later. 🥰 congratulations, I knew she would 😊 I'd better be on the guest list Barber!

You know you will be, I'm still surprised she said yes, if anything I thought she'd turn me down.

She would be mad if she had done that. She loves you, and you know that this time around won't be like the last.

Yeah. I hope not

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