Chapter 22 - Delilah

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The last time I walked down this aisle, I was the bride and Will was waiting for me. But now here I am, walking down it once more for my friend. I don't look like a firework or a golden egg as predicted. In fact the dress compliments me and that's saying something. I feel quite pretty, more so than I did on my own wedding day. 

I look across at some of the guests and see Andy...

I see his face...

He's never looked at me like that before. 

I simply smile shyly and carry on walking, taking Abi's bouquet from her as she reaches the end of the aisle and grins at Ethan. She looks stunning, the dress only had to be altered in length and a little bit around the bust, but it was made for her. 

It didn't really feel like mine anyway. 

I look back at the guests sitting there, Andy watching as Abi and Ethan say their vows. Then his eyes meet mine again and we both grin before I turn back to listening while they say 'I do'. 

It's nostalgic as they kiss and I dab my eyes before they get a chance to smudge my make up,clapping with the other guests as Ethan and Abi are presented as husband and wife. 

Everyone is moving on. Abi, Andy...but I know I'll be right where I am for a while yet. 

I join Andy with the other guests for reception drinks once my pictures with Abi and Ethan are done. He finishes texting (It's Victoria, I see her name on his screen) and looks up, stuffing his phone into his pocket. "Gotcha some Pimms and lemonade or whatever it is" He grins and passes me the glass. "You look lovely Deli. What did I tell you?" 

I nod. "Ok, fine - you were right. You look very handsome in this suit of yours too" I now readjust his tie slightly. "Much better", then looking up to see he's looking at me. 

"Deli! Need your help to actually go to the loo!" Abi yells and I give Andy my drink. 

"Duty calls, back in a moment". I tell him and go to help Abi with her dress. 

"So Andy's looking smoking hot..." She begins as she sits on the loo while I hold up her dress. 

I roll my eyes. "What's your point?" 

"Get drunk and bang his brains out?" Abi suggests. 

I look at her. "He's getting married..." 

She opens her mouth to say something but then pauses. "Wait...what? To Law and Order? When the fuck did this happen?" 

"He told me when we were driving back to mine. He hasn't proposed yet but he's gonna". I see her face. ", I can't say anything..." 

"Why the fuck not! Deliiiiiiiiii!" She whines. "You could cut the fucking sexual tension with a knife! Why can't you just tell him!" 

"Because he loves her. I'm not going to be the one to ruin anymore of his life than it already has been". 

She sighs. "Honestly I'm gonna say some..." 

"No!" I tell her, "No you're not - you say nothing Abs. I can't lose him. I can't risk fucking up our friendship! I don't have anyone apart from you and him!" I tell her and turn away, not wanting her to see me cry, on the inside I'm panicking now. 

Her voice softens. "Ok Deli...I'll say nothing, if it really means that much to you". 

"It does...I know you wanna help Abs, but don't...please..." 

She agrees and we emerge from the cubicle saying no more about it. Andy leaves tomorrow and the last thing I want is to not see him again just because I messed up. 


The reception is soon in full swing and we gather around the dancefloor as Ethan and Abi have their first dance. 

"Wanna dance?" Andy asks as the DJ tells us all to join in. 

"I'm not very good..." I tell him as we join everyone else on the floor. 

He grins. "Me neither, total dad moves - that's what Jake always used to say". 

One arm slips around my waist and the other takes my hand in his as we begin to dance, bodies pressed together. I look up at him and see he's looking at me again. "I'll be careful not to impale your foot with my heels ". I smirk. 

He chuckles. "I'd have thought those things would've been off by now". 

"Later, after this dance they're getting kicked off so I can feel my feet again". I tell him. "Have to put them back on for the fireworks though". 

"Well if you need a piggyback there's always that". 

I have some spare shoes up in my room. There's a hotel here so it was easier to stay the night here and less time for Andy to travel to the airport tomorrow. His flight is in the afternoon so he'll have breakfast and then go. I've loved having him here, but i know it'll probably also be the last. 

The dance finishes, my heels come off and I head to the bar to get us more drinks. Some cocktails just like in Mexico, but probably not as good. I never had any when I got married here. "Here we go, non alcoholic cocktails, you can enjoy yourself without having to get smashed" I push it to him and he laughs, thanking me for my thoughtfulness. 

"Recreating Mexico eh? All we need now is Tequila guy". 

"Oh give it an hour and the best man will be exactly that". I say and look over to where Ethan's brother is downing another shot. 

Andy sits back and loosens his tie. I immediately have that Barry White song that is literally in every sexy moment of a movie going around in my head and hide this by drinking. 

I need something stronger. 

"I've had a great week Deli. This place? It's peaceful, beautiful...gonna be a shame to go home". Andy tells me a while later as we sip on our drinks and watch everyone dancing and talking away. Abi's literally in the middle of the floor throwing some risky moves much to our amusement. 

"Well at least you have Victoria waiting for you". I hide my true feelings behind my smile. I'm a pro by now. 

He nods with a smile to himself. "Yeah..." 

"Fireworks are starting!" Abi now runs over to me, putting her heels on, "Come on!" 

The DJ announces the fireworks are beginning and to wrap up as we make our way outside. "Here". Andy puts his jacket around my shoulders as I stupidly have no shawl or anything to wrap around me. 

"I don't think you're gonna be happy going home with a cold." 

He shrugs at this. "I can handle it if I do". At that moment his phone lights up. "Be outside in a minute" He tells me and I know it's Victoria. 

I walk out and look into the dark of the night sky, the fireworks now beginning to be set off and exploding in bursts of color and shimmers. 

It reminds me of Mexico...

I glance over to my right and see Andy now come out and watch the sky, before he looks to me. 

Does it remind him of that too? 

Our gaze doesn't falter, neither one of us looks away and then he returns inside. 

Frowning to myself, I follow and don't see him at our table, so I make my way up to see if he's gone to his room. I knock on the door. "Andy? Everything alright?" I ask through the door. 

It opens and he pulls me in, closing it once we're stood practically against one another in the small space between the door and room. 

Neither of us say anything.

We don't have to because we both know what is about to happen...

"Deli..." He murmurs as he leans in, but I don't let him finish because my lips are already on his. 

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