Chapter 20 - Delilah

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I stand with my sign to hand in arrivals, waiting for Andy to walk though. The first load from the flight are already milling through and I hold the sign up.

'Random guy who listened to drunk karaoke with me in Mexico' is what it says. I would've put 'Tongue Twister' on there but the reactions would've been very bad.

Then I see him walking through, case trailing behind him along with a bag thrown over his shoulder that must be carrying his suit inside of it.


He looks gorgeous.

He sees the sign and then his mouth breaks into a grin as he locks eyes with me and comes over, pace quickening.

I drop the sign and throw my arms around him. He smells so good as well. His face buries itself into my neck, and I hear him say "Hey Deli". I give him a small kiss on the cheek and pull away, getting a good look at him now.

"Let's face it, we both look better than we did in Mexico".

And there's the laugh.

"You look amazing". He smiles down at me. I forgot how much taller he was than I am. My butterflies can't control themselves and try to shake them from me. "Love the sign, quite the artist". He now picks it up and looks at it.

"Oh I spent hours on that too". I smirk and take his case, rolling it alongside me. "How was your flight".

"Standard" he smiles but I can see he's tired. It should be around 9am his time by now. Thankfully he should be able to fall into UK time if he's able to stay away a few more hours. "How long you been waiting?"

"About half hour, not long" I smile and head in the direction of the airport car park, opening the boot of the car and putting the case in". "Ok shotgun, no comments about my driving" I smirk as I get in.

Andy chuckles. "Promise to keep my mouth shut, although I can't guarantee no comment on your choice of music".

"You'd better like Coldplay, Barber".

"I was expecting Madonna or something like that".

I snort, "come on, you know me well enough to know by now I like this kinda stuff". And scroll Spotify before connecting it to the car. I have it on low so we can talk as I drive so it's not like I'm blaring it out for all to hear.

It's not long before it switches to my Christmas playlist and we're singing a terrible duet of 'Fairytale of New York' - even worse than Tequila guy, and roaring with laughter. "Well it's certainly helped the jet lag".

"When was the last time you had a good singalong?"

He snorts. "Laurie was never into any of that, Jake usually had his headphones on and his face in his phone so yeah, my Christmas' summed up really, although the last few have been worse".

" have Victoria this year don't you? Surely that's a positive?"

He nods, "true".

"How is she?" I dare to ask but know I have to.

He pauses. "She's good...we're thinking about going away February. ".

"Oooooh anywhere exotic? Or a staycation?"

"I don't mind either, I think she's leaning more towards exotic".

Of course she is.

I keep my eyes on the road. "I'm sure whatever you choose it'll be perfect".

"I hope so...I've been doing some thinking lately".

"Good or bad?"

He pauses. "I'm thinking of asking her to marry me..."

"If I wasn't doing 70 down the motorway I wouldn't slammed on the breaks but instead I simply smile and nod. "So what's stopping you?"

"I don't know whether it's too soon...I love her, I wanna spend the rest of my life with her, but then I think people will judge".

I frown. "Andy, no one should have any right to judge you and what you want to. You've made up your mind, even I can see that". I glance across at him. He looks like he's having an inner battle with his conscience.

Ok Deli, that's it, he's gonna ask her and she's gonna say yes. It's time to let go.

"Sometimes you just have to take the leap, there's no point in fretting about the what if". I add. "Do you think she's the one?"

Why am I even asking? For clarification that I now have no chance. I can't stop this, it wouldn't be fair to him. It's time this came to an end for me, and it does on his next words.

"Yeah...I do".

I do what I do best and smile through it all. "Well as long as I get an invite to the wedding then I'm happy". My eyes keep themselves on the road.

Now I well and truly know where we both stand.

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