Chapter 23~ Fashionably late

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Grian and Xanthe had been walking for miles and still hadn't found any builds from the Hermits. They made their way onto the main island early in the morning on a boat which they had sailed across the sea. Unfortunately for them, they were just North of Xisuma's base. That meant that they were miles away from anything. Despite this, they were willing to walk the distance. They had decided to visit Cub, who would probably help them both and supply them with weapons and elytra.

"This is the mainland? It's a bit... Empty..." Xanthe asked, looking around the open plains.

"Wait until we get over this hill." Grian smiled, ascending the mound of dirt.

Xanthe reached the top and stared in awe at the miles of dripstone, all manually placed by one Hermit.

"This... Is incredible..." Xanthe muttered.

"Yeah. He's been doing this for a while now, and luckily for us, he has lots of supplies, which he should be willing to lend us." Grian grinned, running down the hill and into the dripstone plains.

"Wait for me!" Xanthe exclaimed, following his winged friend.

Grian found the entrance to Cub's base and searched everywhere. With every cave they checked, came more hopelessness. Until Grian got a notification on his communicator. It hadn't worked in the Void so he had practically forgotten about it.

*Ūñk0wN* Grian, this is Doc and Ren. Sam took our communicators so we're using a makeshift one. Head to the Boatem Pole. The Hermits are about to get trapped by Sam. Please hurry.

"Do you think we can believe the message?" Xanthe asked cautiously.

"... It's our only hope..." Grian muttered, determined to help the other Hermits.

They immediately grabbed everything they could from Cub's chests, and made their way to the exit.

Out of all the items, one caught Xanthe's eyes. An elytra.

"I found an elytra! We can get there faster now." Xanthe exclaimed, fastening the straps around his chest.

"Are you sure? You've never used an elytra before, it's probably going to be really difficult." Grian asked, flexing his colorful wings.

"I'm sure it'll be fine! I'm a fast learner." Xanthe reassured.

"Alright. I'll fly using my own wings and you can use the elytra. Here's some fireworks." Grian said, dropping a few of the red and white objects on the floor.

They set off as soon as possible and were soon soaring through the skies. Just as Xanthe said, he was a fast learner and immediately got the hang of his elytra. In what felt like no time at all, they found their way to Boatem.

"Land here." Grian said, diving down behind Scar's wagons, Xanthe following.

"I can see them over there!" Xanthe whispered, seeing a blur of Hermits in the distance.

"What... They're being attacked by Cleo, Etho and False... " Grian muttered.

"Yeah but... do they usually look like that?" Xanthe asked, pointing at the Hermit's eyes.

"No... Something happened to them." Grian murmured anxiously.

They watched, contemplating their choices. As they were watching, Cleo managed to capture Stress and hold her down to the floor. The other Hermits seemed tired already, since not many of them were equipped for battle and were easily bruised.
A loud scream made them look to the left of the battle, where scar had just been cut by Etho's sword. It was a deep cut and, aside from his scream, Scar was taking the pain quite well. He was bleeding and there was already blood on his shirt that would surely stain.

"It's now or never, Xanthe..." Grian whispered to his taller counterpart.

"I know..." Xanthe answered, gripping the trident in his hands anxiously.

"I have a crossbow on me and you've got Cub's trident. If we fly in the air and hit them with the weapons, we can potentially capture two of the 'feral' Hermits. But we'll still have to deal with Sam and the other Hermit, so be alert." Grian ordered, pulling out his arrows and crossbow, ready for the fight.

"Okay. I'm ready." Xanthe whispered, drinking a potion of strength and pulling a firework out of his pocket.

"On the count of 3... 1, 2, 3...GO!" Grian screamed, jumping into the air and flapping his wings forcefully.

Xanthe jumped on queue and propelled himself using multiple fireworks. They glided towards the fight and Grian shot his arrow, hitting the arm of Cleo, who instantly let go of Stress and stared into the sky, trying to identify the source of the hit. She spotted Grian and scowled at him, pulling the arrow out of her arm angrily. False also got hit by Xanthe's trident but it didn't do too much damage due to her Netherite chestplate. She stumbled a bit but then immediately got back to the fight.

"It seems we have company!" They heard a shout from below.

Xanthe had run out of fireworks and Grian was struggling to stay in the air. They made a risky decision to land and continue the fight from there.

"Hello Gree-on, it's so nice of you to join us! And who's your new friend? He looks very wealthy..." Sam said, grinning maniacally.

"I'm Xanthe, prince of The Void realm, and we're here to ban you, Sam!" Xanthe shouted, pulling out a sword and holding his shield defensively.

Sam frowned. He knew what Xanthe could do and he didn't want to be banned.

"Yeah! Now let go of our friends and stop what you're doing to them!" Grian shouted, switching his crossbow for an axe, which was enchanted with knockback.

Sam was stood opposite the two friends, and he was hungry for blood.

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