Chapter 30~ More Prisoners?

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Grian's handcuffs had been removed since his arrival but he was still trapped in a cell with his one and only enemy. Despite their differences, not all of their conversations had been spiteful or passive aggressive.

"Lunch time! Get up, idiots!" Suddenly, a guard came and banged on the bars before using a key to unlock it, releasing Grian and Sam.

"What?" Grian muttered to himself, wondering what was happening.

"My guess is that we'll get to meet some more people who got put in here. Some much, much more dangerous villains than us." Sam replied nonchalantly, strolling out the door.

Grian frowned. He had known Sam for a while now and someone worse than him was not good news. Despite his worries, he shuffled slowly behind Sam who seemed unnervingly calm. The walls of the prison were cracked and withered, moss growing in many of the crevices. Each hallway was long and straight but most of the cells seemed empty aside from some shackles or bones.
As they reached the end of the corridor, loud shouting could be heard which sent chills down Grian's spine. Turning the corner, they saw a group of prisoners crowding around two more in the centre who seemed to be fighting eachother. One was tall and muscular with ragged and torn clothing which complimented his piercing blue eyes. He was being jeered on by other criminals. The other was less muscular and more slender with a cold glare and sensible clothing. They seemed to be less supported by other cellmates.
Upon seeing the fight, Sam dashed into the crowd to get a better view, leaving Grian in the damp hall.

"You seem to be new here." A strong hand was placed on Grian's shoulder, making him whip around in an instant and stumble backwards.

This new person was hooded but had thick circular glasses in front of their eyes which glowed slightly.
Grian didn't respond, unsure of their ominous presence.

"You don't look like you belong here either. Definitely not… way too innocent. Perfect." The person grinned with unspecified intent.

Grian gave a quizzical glare before suddenly feeling a hard hit on the side of his head. He fell to the floor, straining his eyes to see who knocked him out. It was another cloaked figure but undoubtedly had a more sinister aura than their acquaintance.

Unbeknownst to Sam, Grian was in terrible danger and yet he was still watching a fight play out in front of him, a sparkle in his eyes. The taller person was a spellcaster and could create huge spells. The other was a barbarian who's weapon was his fists. Sam glanced away for a second, noticing a dark figure in the corner of his eye. He became curious and quickly dashed over to the shadows.
His short walk took him to a cupboard. Upon entering, about 10 different eyes darted towards him, including Grian's, which were terrified and anxious.
Sam sighed, glaring at the hooded group who seemed to be making a summoning circle around Grian who's palm had been slit open. A knife dripped with blood which was held by the tallest member who was probably the leader.

"Let me make myself clear: Do not mess with me or Grian again or else I'll gouge your eyes out with a spoon and then torture your barely living body until you can't even think straight." Sam threatened, watching the colour drain from most people in the group.

Grian was then dragged outside by Sam, his thoughts jumbled and confused.

"Why did you- why did you save me?!" Grian shouted, trying to understand why the sociopath which tried killing him multiple times just saved his life.

"Well, if anyone's going to torture you, I'd prefer it to be me. Plus, it gets lonely in that cell." Sam response with an icy undertone. He didn't want to admit that he'd actually enjoyed having the Hermit in the cell to talk to.

Grian didn't respond, still very unsure of his situation.

"Come on, let's go back to the cell. I don't think we'd be able to get food if we tried." Sam shrugged, watching Grian jog a little to keep up with him.

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