so my darling | gary payton ii

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yes, it's based on the tiktok song
for my gp ii lovers (and for myself since i love him) 🫶

malia and gary were attached at the hip since they were kids. their mothers being best friends since high school, it was only a matter of time until they'd become best friends as well.

malia had been there for basically everything in gary's life and gary for hers too. breakups, basketball games, you name it.

after she graduated college and he went to the league, they'd drifted apart. of course she tried her best to keep up with him, but ultimately got caught up in her career.

"what happened to you and gary?" her parents would always ask, to which she'd change the subject.

she was now staying in san francisco and working to be a psychiatrist and he was playing for golden state.

having a long work week, malia decided it'd be nice to go out with her girlfriends and blow off some steam.

"i feel like we haven't been out in a long time." jasmine, one of malia's friends, spoke.

"i know! i missed you guys." malia pouted and initiated a group hug.

"okay enough of this lovey dovey stuff...let's get drunk!" maya, another friend, yelled with a shot glass already in her hand.

"not too much...i have to drive you home remember?" ariana, the designated driver, warned.

"yeah yeah. come on!" maya made her way towards the bar, the rest of the girls following behind her.

they all ordered drinks and sat down, updating each other on their lives.

"you know i'm so glad you're gonna be a psychiatrist because honestly...i need a therapist." jasmine slurred as malia laughed.

"honey i'm not a therapist and you need some water." she pat her leg before getting up and going back towards the bar.

"excuse me? can i get like 10 waters?" she asked, leaning against the bar.

"girls night out huh?" the bartender chuckled and handed her 10 water bottles.

"yep. thank you." she sighed and tried to grab all of the waters, failing miserably.

"you need some help?" a stranger asked, watching her struggle.

"yes, please. thank you." she chuckled as he grabbed some of the water bottles.

malia didn't get a good look at him at first, but when he turned around to ask where they were going, she stopped in her tracks.

"gary?" she asked, stunned. "malia? oh my gosh." he had just now got a good look at her.

"how are you? i haven't seen in so long." she brightly spoke, walking towards her friends.

"i'm good! how are you?" he smiled and followed behind her.

"well at the moment not the greatest." she chuckled, putting all of the waters down on the table.

he put the waters down after her and wiped his hands on his pants.

"so fill me in on everything!" she sat down, him joining her. "well..." gary went on and on about what was going on in his life since they lost contact.

"aw gp! i'm so happy for you!" she smiled widely, scrunching up her nose.

"you still scrunch up your nose when you smile." he chuckled; that was one of his favorite things about her.

"pretty clear i haven't changed." she giggled awkwardly.

"i hope you never do." he smiled, staring at her. she's still beautiful, he thought.

there was a comfortable silence between them.

"i've told you everything so now it's your turn." gary broke the silence.

"my life is way less interesting than yours but..." malia told him her plans for life and he listened.

"you were always good at things like that. can't wait to see you doing your thing dr. jones." he smiled when she told him she was trying to be a psychiatrist.

she would always listen to his problems and give him advice, explaining why he might be reacting or thinking a certain way.

"thank you! and i'll be sure to cheer for golden state." she smiled as he nodded.

they kept talking, forgetting about their respective friend groups they'd left behind. it was almost as if they never lost contact.

"i would introduce you to them but uh...they're not in the right state at the moment." malia laughed, referring to the group of drunk girls who were her friends.

"it's okay. do you have a new number?" gary chuckled and grabbed his phone.

"yeah!" she put her number in his phone and he did the same.

"maliaaaa." maya grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"yes maya?" she giggled, turning to face her. maya's eyes went wide when she saw a handsome stranger sitting next to her friend.

"who's that?" she asked, furrowing her brows. "this is gary." malia smiled as she looked back at him.

"gary? the guy you talk about all the time?" she tilted her head to the side.

malia face-palmed and shook her head, blushing profusely.

"you talk about me all the time?" gary raised his eyebrows at her.

"yeah! she's always like i miss gary, he was such a nice person and he's so cute and-" malia covered maya's mouth before she could expose her further.

"i'm so cute huh?" he smirked at malia as she glared at him.

"maya go get ariana and tell her you're ready to go home." she moved her hand and patted her shoulder.

"fine. party pooper." maya rolled her eyes and got up to find ariana.

"we're just gonna pretend that she never said any of that."  she gave him a fake smile to hide her embarrassment.

"for now, sure. i will hold this against you but at a later time." he stood up with her, smiling,

"you're so lucky i love you." she pointed at him, shaking her head.

"oh you love me now? take me out to dinner first malia." he laid a hand over his heart in shock.

"okay that's my cue. i will call you another time." she turned around, finding her friend group.

"wait! i love you too, always." he grabbed her hand and pulled her in a hug, rocking them back and forth.

"okay payton. it was good seeing you." malia pulled away and pat his chest, smiling up at him.

"you better call me." gary warned her as she nodded. "i will! bye!" she waved before running off with her friends.

gary couldn't help but smile as he watched her leave the bar.


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