muse | devin booker

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he casted a spell on me and now i'm hooked

stepping back to make sure all of her paintings were evenly placed on the wall, drue stared at the arrangement.

she was getting ready for an art gallery and this would be the first time she'd be showing off her work to someone other than her family and friends.

"something's missing." she chewed on her bottom lip as she stood with her hands on her hips.

she took all of her favorite paintings she had ever done and put them on display, but she felt like she was missing something.

she went through the extra paintings she had brought just in case this happened and placed each of them in the blank spaces.

"excuse me." a male voice came up behind her, startling her a little. "shit!" she clutched her chest before turning around to face him.

"i'm sorry. i didn't mean to scare you." he slightly chuckled at her scared state.

"you're fine. can i help you?" she waved him off and crossed her arms over her chest.

"i think the real question is can i help you? you look stressed."

"i am." she sighed and moved a hair out of her face, chuckling a little.

"i'm devin by the way." he stuck his hand out for her to shake. she liked the fact that he shook hands, despite him being famous.

"drue." she smiled and gently shook his hand, taking notice of how soft his hand was.

"drue? that's different. i like it." he complimented her, making her blush a little.

"thank you." she smiled as they pulled their hands away from each other.

"you're welcome."

"i have an art gallery tomorrow and i can't decide which painting i should put up." she explained, gesturing towards the wall and the paintings on the floor.

"this is all your work?" he pointed at the wall as he inspected each piece.

"yeah." she nodded, a little nervous at the fact that a famous stranger was looking at her work.

"you're really talented."

"thank you." she blushed a little at his words.

"do you mind if i..." he trailed off, insinuating that he wanted to take a closer look at her work.

"go ahead."

devin began looking through the paintings and tried to place them in the empty spaces, like drue had been doing.

"can i be honest?" he slightly turned to look back at her.

"please do." she chuckled softly, shifting the weight of her body between the balls of her feet.

"none of these fit with what you're trying to go for."

"i was thinking the same thing!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air.

"i mean you could get away with these two, but i think you should paint something new." he held up two of the potential pieces before placing them back down.

drue stared at her paintings and tried to think of what she could paint that would tie it all together.

she stepped back a little to see devin looking at her display with his hands on his hips. and that's when it hit her.

"okay this is gonna sound weird considering we just met, but would you mind if i did a painting of you?" she bent down and looked inside her duffel bag.

"me? i don't mind at all." devin shook his head with a small smile on his face.

"thank you. i'm probably not gonna make you stand here the whole time cause i'm sure you have places to be—" she chuckled as he shook his head.

"i actually have nothing going on at the moment." he spoke, making her smile.

"oh that's perfect then. let me just—" she pulled her phone out of her pocket and took a picture of his stance for a reference photo.

"so, drue, how long have you been painting?" devin asked as he sat down on the floor next to her.

"for as long as i can remember to be honest. my dad was an artist and he taught me how to draw as soon as i could write." she spoke as she began drawing an outline.

"are you close with you dad because of that?" he watched as she carefully grabbed her paint and decided which one would go on her palette.

"yeah. he's like my best friend." she chuckled a little.

"i feel you. i'm close with my dad too." he smiled at how focused she was.

"do you paint? or make art for that matter?" she asked., not once taking her eyes off the canvas in front of her.

"no i just enjoy looking at it. i play professional basketball." he explained, making her laugh a little.

"i know that." she smiled as she grabbed a different brush and stroked a sharp line across the canvas.

"really?" he tilted his head to the side, looking at her.

"mhm. i watch the suns from time to time." she spoke as she shrugged her shoulders.

"you didn't react how most people would." he crossed his arms over his chest and sat up a little straighter.

"i like to keep you humble. plus i wouldn't want to know devin booker, i wanna know devin." she explained.

"well, thank you for not treating me like i'm the devin booker." he smiled down at her, leaning closer to her.

"you're welcome. can i ask you something?" she bit down on her lip before placing a brush down.

"you just did." he teased, moving his head down towards hers.

"okay another something." she chuckled as she looked up at him, making him laugh a little and nod.

"what are you doing here? it's midnight." she turned her body to face his completely.

"i come here to clear my head a lot. it's quieter at night which is why i come late." he explained as she nodded.

"that's understandable. i paint to get out of my head." drue looked down at the painting and saw she was almost done.

"maybe you can teach me." he suggested as a way of wanting to see her again.

"you want me to?" she raised her eyebrows as she grabbed a brush and went to finish her painting.

"yeah. you're very good at what you do." he looked up at the paintings on the wall, staring at her signature.

"why thank you. you're gonna have to teach me how to play ball then." she laughed, finishing up the painting.

"i have a feeling you'll be good at it."

"i'm glad you have faith in me." she held up the finished piece and found a place for it to dry.

"what time is your art gallery?" devin stood up from the floor and helped her pack up her things.

"it's at seven. why?" she asked, throwing her duffel bag over her shoulder.

"i gotta see my cameo." he placed his hands in his pockets with a smile on his face.

"well i'll be looking forward to seeing you." drue tried to hide a smile since he had her smiling the whole night.

"have a good night drue." he saluted and winked at her before walking away.

"you too devin." she waved and turned around, smiling like a little kid.

mr. booker been looking real delectable here lately so 🤭
and i assume y'all want a part 2 to this...right?

anywho, i hope you liked this!

love u mean it <3

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