blue | klay thompson

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based on blue by beyoncé

"klay!" kori yelled out as she adjusted the yellow dress she was wearing over her baby bump (in the mm).

"yeah baby?" klay asked, walking into their bedroom while buttoning up his shirt.

"can you help me put these shoes on? and this necklace really fast?" she sighed and moved a hair out of her face as she walked towards the bed and sat down.

"you look so pretty mama." he gushed over how the dress looked against her skin, combined with the gold jewelry she chose to wear.

"thank you honey." she blushed and grabbed the white, short, heels she was planning on wearing. klay got down on his knees and slipped the shoes on her feet.

"are you excited?" he asked as he helped her stand to her feet and moved her hair to the left side of her neck.

"clearly not as excited as you. you haven't stopped smiling since you woke up this morning." she chuckled while he put the necklace on her.

"i am excited. i get to have a baby with my favorite person and we get to find out what we're having." he smiled as she turned around to face him.

"i see you're team boy." she smiled and looked him up and down, seeing him a silk royal blue matching shirt and shorts set with some white shoes.

"of course i am. but no matter what, i'll be happy as long as they're healthy." he spoke and gently placed his hands on her stomach.

"i agree." she placed her hands on his face, caressing his cheeks. "team thompson?" he smiled and held out his hand.

kori giggled and held out her hand, doing their handshake. "team thompson." she pecked his lips and intertwined their fingers together, guiding him out of the room and towards their backyard.

being that klay played for the warriors, it was only fitting that colors were gold and blue. all of their guests wore either gold, or shades of yellow, for a baby girl or blue for a baby boy.

"hey baby momma!" ayesha squealed and ran up to kori, warmly embracing her with a hug.

"hi! you look so pretty!" kori smiled and held her hands, loving the yellow floral dress she had on.

"me? look at you! you're quite literally glowing."

"thank you. and thank you for this. it looks amazing." she squeezed her hand as she looked at all of the decorations (in the mm).

"you know we had to go all out for you and klay. now, go mingle with your people!" ayesha stood behind her and guided her in the direction of the team.

"there is no way all of you are team boy." kori crossed her arms and looked at the men with stern eyes.

steph, jordan, donte, andrew, gary and juan all stood in front of her in at least three shade of blue. "come on now kori! you should've known!" steph exaggerated.

"so none of think it's gonna be a girl? not a single one?" she tilted her head to the side as a way to sway their thinking.

"i mean i have a slight idea that it could be a girl but..." gary trailed off and gestured towards his outfit.

"well...y'all look cute!" she huffed and waved them off, holding her stomach.

a chorus of 'thank you's and 'appreciate it' hit her ears as she shook her head and walked away. kori went around the yard, greeting everyone and thanking them for coming.

after playing games, eating, and opening some gifts, it was time to find out the gender of baby thompson. kori and klay stood in front the large balloon wreath, standing on either side of a big box.

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