shooters shoot | klay thompson

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this is a second part to the 'accident' imagine so read that before you read this please!

simone walked into chase center, struggling to find her seat.

"simone!" klay yelled out as he saw her standing near the court. she felt a little bit of relief when she saw him running towards her.

"hey!" she smiled as he stood in front of her with a ball in his hand.

"hi. you look beautiful." he looked her up and down. she was wearing a black blazer, a white top with black leather pants, and white heels.

"thank you. you look cuter in uniform." she teased as he chuckled.

"thanks. how's the car doing?" he sarcastically asked with a smile on his face.

"it's doing just fine thanks to you." she laughed, looking down at her feet nervously.

"great! well i'll let you go find your seat—"

"actually i need your help finding it." she cut him off, showing him her ticket.

"you see ayesha up there?" he pointed up to where ayesha was sitting.

"yeah?" she squinted to see where he was pointing.

"you're sitting with her and the rest of the ladies." he said, pointing down the line of women sitting next to each other.

"you got me seated next to them?" her eyes widened as she looked at him.

"yeah. i figured you'd like some company so i worked a little magic for you."

"thank you so much!" she engulfed him in a tight hug, making him smile.

"you're welcome. enjoy the game." he rubbed her back before running across the court.

simone happily made her way to her seat and went to introduce herself.

"hi i'm simone." she stuck her hand out for them to shake.

"oh trust me, we know. klay hasn't stopped talking about you since he hit your car. i'm ayesha." ayesha warmly embraced her in a hug instead.

"i'm hazel. we give hugs around here." she spoke before hugging simone tightly.

"i'm arrianna but you can call me audi."

"i'm mychal, this is mariah and iyana is late." she said, making all of them laugh.

"it's nice to meet you guys." she smiled brightly as they all sat down.

"now tell us everything there is to know about you." ayesha spoke, focusing her attention on simone.

with what little time they had before the game started, simone told them the basics; where she was from, what she did for work, etc.

"sorry i'm late!" iyana spoke as she walked to their section.

"you missed meeting our new friend." ayesha spoke, gesturing towards simone.

"new friend? hi, i'm iyana!" she smiled and waved at her as she sat down.

"i'm simone." she reached over to shake her hand politely.

"she's klay's crush." ayesha wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

"i wouldn't say that." simone slightly blushed, knowing he was her crush.

"if he plays like he's been reincarnated as jesus, then i'm right." ayesha warned, pointing a finger at her.

"we shall see." simone shrugged her shoulders before settling in her seat to watch the game.


ayesha was right; klay ended the night with 45 points and the warriors won by 15.

"so, you're coming to every game now right?" hazel asked with raised eyebrows.

"every game is a stretch." simone furrowed her brows, chuckling a little.

"okay...every other game?" hazel tried to negotiate with her. simone thought for a second before speaking, "that might be doable."

"what are you doing after this?" audi asked and grabbed her purse from her seat.

"klay is supposed to be taking me on a date."

"oh?" ayesha raised her eyebrows in shock, holding onto simone's arm.

"well you better tell us how it goes!" hazel exclaimed.

"will do." simone saluted to them playfully.

"let's get you to your man." ayesha spoke, moving a hair out of her face.

"he's not my man."

"not yet you mean." iyana smirked, pointing at her.

"whatever." she laughed and shook her head, knowing they wouldn't budge.

all of them walked onto the court and went to their respective men.

audi to juan, ayesha to steph, hazel to draymond, mychal to wiggs, mariah to loon, iyana to jordan and...

simone to klay.

"hello again." she smiled as she stood in front of him.

"hi. did you enjoy the game?" he asked, wiping his face with a towel.

"yeah! a certain someone played amazingly and made it very entertaining." she crossed her arms over her chest, smirking.

"well i heard that same certain someone has a beautiful lady he's taking out." he smirked, tilting his head to the side.

"oh really? good for him!"

"i have a postgame interview but as soon as that's over, it's me and you yeah?" he held her hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb.

"yeah." she blushed and nodded, watching him quickly walk away.


"i still feel bad for hitting you though!" klay exclaimed, making her laugh. the two of them were at dinner.

"klay it's fine. i'm alive, my car is good, it's all good." she explained, reassuring him.

"well thank you for being so forgiving." he flashed a smile her way.

"thank you for paying for the damages." she winked and pointed at him, making him chuckle.

"so, tell me everything these is to know about you simone."

she then went onto to tell him almost everything about her as he intently listened to every word.

"you know my dad was very upset when he heard you hit my car." she raised a brow, pointing at him with her fork.

"oh so he already hates me?"

"no. he's actually a fan." she spoke, biting some of her pasta.

"well that makes me feel better. you should've brought him with you!"

"and have him embarrass me? no thank you." she shook her head, laughing.

"well i hope i get to meet him one day." he smirked.

"i hope you do too klay." she smiled, knowing there was a deeper meaning to his and her words.

also, to my 'the contract' readers, this is not about that klay and simone 🌚

anywho, i hope you enjoyed this one!

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