daddy day | gary payton ii

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papa payton in the cut

"come here leya. you've gotta sign the card." amara sat down on one of the stools by the island, baby aliyah in her arms.

"okay!" a five year old aleya came running into the kitchen and climbed up onto the stool next to her mother's.

"you wanna write something or just put your name down?" she handed her a pen as she opened up the card.

"i'll write something." aleya answered and clicked the top of the pen before thinking of what she should write.

"what are you gonna say?" amara grabbed the bottle and began feeding aliyah.

"that's for daddy to know, not you mommy." she sassily spoke and started writing her message in the card.

it was father's day and aleya was taking it very serious. she was a daddy's girl and held her father to a high standard, so she made sure everything went smoothly.

"oh? well excuse me miss girl." she chuckled and looked down at her baby, who was already staring up at her.

"hi pretty girl." she smiled and poked her little nose before turning her head to check on aleya.

"okay i'm done!" she proudly spoke and put the pen down, closing the card to make sure her mother didn't get a peek.

"you wanna put it in the bag?" amara put the card in an envelope and taped it shut, all with one hand.


"go ahead mama." she handed aleya the card and watched her drop the card down inside the gift bag.

"now what?" she plopped back down in her seat and looked at her mother.

"now we wait for daddy to come home so we can go out to eat." amara sighed and grabbed a baby wipe to wipe the corner of aliyah's mouth.

"can we call him?"

"sure baby." amara grabbed her phone and unlocked it, letting aleya facetime her dad.

"what's up little mama?" gary immediately answered. one thing about gary: he always answered when his wife and kids called.

"daddy, when are you coming home?" she impatiently asked as she rested her chin on the palm on her hand.

"i will be there in forty minutes baby." he wiped the sweat of his face with a towel.

"ugh! that's like forever!" aleya dramatically groaned and laid her head down on the counter, making amara laugh.

"i know i'm sorry. but it'll go by fast i promise." he held up his pinky as she smiled and did the same, the two of them 'locking' their fingers together through the screen.

"where's mama?" he asked since he heard his wife's laugh, he knew she was nearby.

"right here." she propped the phone up against the paper towel holder so that he could see all of them.

"hey payton." amara smiled and waved at him, glancing at aliyah in her arm, who was still eating.

"sup payton?" he smirked and noticed the slight blush appear on her cheeks.

"well, one of your daughters is eating and the other one is bossing me around." she sighed and looked down at aliyah, and then over at aleya.

"i am not!" aleya gasped and protested, dramatically placing a hand on her chest in shock.

"see." she snickered and saw that aliyah had finished her bottle.

"let me see liyah."

"say hi daddy." amara sat aliyah up on her lap and grabbed the bottle from her mouth, putting it on the counter.

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