daddy duty | klay thompson

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papa klay, mama kori and baby sloane are back!

"doesn't mommy look so pretty?" klay spoke with sloane in his arms, standing in the doorway of the bathroom as he stared at his wife.

"thank you my handsome boys." kori turned around and smiled at the two of them before kissing their cheeks.

it had now been six months since baby sloane came into the thompson household and to say that he had stolen the hearts of his parents would be an understatement.

however, the lack of alone time and fun went out the window once he arrived. kori would be going on with some girlfriends for the first time the first time in a while.

sure she got out to go to games, but she hadn't been out to do things she wanted, which is what she'd be doing tonight.

with her being out of the house, that meant that klay was on daddy duty for a few hours.

"now you know if you need anything, call me." she spoke, grabbing her purse on the way towards the front door.

"of course baby. but i think we'll be good right sloane?" he looked down at his son, who was the spitting image of him. sloane just stared up at klay with admiring eyes.

"okay. well, i love you guys." kori looked outside, seeing ayesha waiting for her in the car. she opened the door and smiled at her best friend.

"we love you too mama. now go have fun." klay kissed her cheek before walking behind her as she walked outside.

"hey klay! hey nephew!" ayesha smiled and waved at them while they stood in the doorway.

"hey esh. say hey auntie esh!" he grabbed sloane's tiny hand and made her wave, making him giggle.

"he is too cute. you ready girl?" she asked kori as she moved a hair out of her face. "as i'll ever be." kori let out a nervous sigh and ayesha grabbed her hand.

"come on!" she walked with her to the car and the two of them got inside, driving away. klay stood in the doorway and waved until he couldn't see the car anymore.

"well, looks like it's just you and me buddy." he spoke as he closed and locked the door, walking into the living room.

today was klay's day off, which meant he'd get to watch basketball instead of playing it. and lucky for him, sloane throughly enjoyed watching it as well.

the two boys would be watching the phoenix suns play the brooklyn nets. klay already had a bottle, a diaper and wipes on hand just in case sloane needed them.

while they were watching the game, kori, along with ayesha, hazel, and mariah, were out to eat.

"so, how has mom life been treating you?" ayesha happily asked kori as she sipped on her drink. "good! sloane is a very chill baby." kori smiled at the thought of her son.

"sounds like klay's child for sure." hazel chuckled as the rest of them joined in the laughter.

"speaking of, how has he been adjusting to being a dad?" mariah took a bite of her grilled chicken.

"sloane has him wrapped around his finger." kori shook her head as the women began laughing. knowing klay for so many years, they knew he'd give in to any and everything his child said, did or wanted.

"he spoils him all the time, they watch games together, if klay is eating, sloane is eating with him. i think i gave birth to his best friend." she sighed and took a sip of her strawberry lemonade.

"that is adorable." hazel gushed and pouted as the other women smiled.

"it is. i love seeing them interact." kori smiled, thinking about the two of them and wondering what they were doing.

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