my little loves | jordan poole

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jordan with kids >>>

"mommy, when is baby brother going to get here?" chandler asked as she tried to see over the kitchen counter to see what her mother was doing.

"well, if he doesn't come before tuesday, he's getting evicted." kalia explained as she cut up some fruit.

"hey! i need to get out of here buddy. hurry up!" she poked at kalia's very prominent bump.

"tell him again!" she hyped her up, waving the knife she had in her hand around.

"i'll give you all my toys if you come out right now." chandler whispered, cupping her lips in her hands.

"okay wait a minute." kalia furrowed her brows at her daughters words.

"what?" she mocked her mother's facial expression.

"he doesn't need to come out right now. i'm busy." she shrugged as she placed the fruit in a container.

"oh! if you come out—when should he come out mommy?" chandler held her hands on her belly and looked up at her.

"we're not busy tomorrow so, tomorrow." kalia looked down at her as she nodded.

"if you come out tomorrow, i'll give you all my toys." chandler rephrased her sentence, making her mom laugh.

"that's a pretty good deal munchkin." she smiled at the little girl and rubbed her belly before washing her hands.

"i know. i'm being very generous." she pointed firmly at the baby bump in front of her.

"it blows my mind that you're only four years old." kalia shook her head and laughed in disbelief.

the sound of keys unlocking the front door caught chandler's attention.

"daddy's home!" chandler squealed and ran towards the front door.

"chandler!" jordan yelled out as he opened the door, seeing his mini me waiting for him.

"daddy!" she smiled and jumped up and down excitedly. it was very clear to see that she was in fact, a daddy's girl.

"i missed you princess." he picked her up, despite his arms being full.

"i missed you too daddy." she giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"you have a good day?"

"mhm! we had a christmas party at school and i got to eat these cookies!" she excitedly spoke as jordan's eyes lit up.

"were they chocolate chip?" he raised his brows and tilted his head, hoping she would've brought him some.

"no but they were really good!"

"well i'm glad you had a good day baby." he kissed her cheek before putting her and his bags down.

he walked into the kitchen and came up behind kalia, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"hey beautiful." he kissed her cheek repeatedly, making her blush.

"hi handsome." she smiled and turned her head to peck his lips.

"i brought you some food." he walked over to the island, grabbing the bag of food.

"what food?" kalia turned her head in his direction before walking over to him.

"chinese." he untied the knot on the bag before grabbing the styrofoam box and setting it on the counter.

"oh you read my mind! you got dumplings too?" she opened the box, seeing chicken fried rice inside.

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