off limits | shaedon sharpe

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he's a cutie and y'all seem to like him...a lot 👀


"this is india, my little sister." gary spoke as he introduced his younger sister to his teammates.

"how little is this sister?" greg questioned with his eyebrows furrowed, making india laugh.

"i'm nineteen." india spoke with a smile on her face.

"she's off limits so don't even try it." he warned, looking and pointing specifically at greg and shaedon.

end of flashback

it was october twenty-first and it was the first home game of the season for the portland trailblazers.

this also meant that shaedon would get to see india. even though he knew she was off limits, he couldn't deny the fact that he had a crush on her.

he hadn't made a move out of respect for gary, but tonight he would.

"uh oh. your girl has arrived." greg smirked as india walked into the arena.

"shut up bro." shaedon shook his head and continued his pregame shooting.

"garbear!" she exclaimed and ran up to her big brother, hugging him tightly.

"hey india." gary laughed at the childish nickname she chose for him.

"i missed you brother." she smiled widely at him as they both took a seat.

"i ain't miss you." he gave her a side eye while speaking with a bit of attitude in his tone.

"how rude!" she gasped and smacked his arm, making him laugh and rub his arm.

"i'm just playing. how's school treating you?"

"it's cool. how are you?" she leaned back into the seat, resting her elbow against the back of it as her hand help up her face.

"i really wanna be on that court right now." he sighed as he looked at the floor. he was currently injured and hadn't played for almost seven months.

"i know. but you'll be back in no time." she gave him a comforting smile and rubbed his shoulder.

"thank you sis." he smiled at her as she grabbed his hand.

"of course bub." she squeezed his hand in hers before they did their secret handshake.

"hey india." greg walked over to the siblings with a smirk on his face.

"hi greg." india flashed a fake smile his way and crossed her legs. her and greg had quite the relationship; a love hate one to be exact.

"you a trailblazers fan for the night?" he held the ball he had on his hip as his eyes narrowed at her.

"for today yeah." she sighed at the ongoing joke he used every time he saw her.

india was not a trailblazers fan before her brother got there. she was a warriors fan till the day she died and was always going to be loud and proud about it.

she was still a little salty about the fact that her brother didn't play there anymore. however, she couldn't blame him for getting his bag, but she definitely missed california and the team.

"i better see you screaming every time we score to." the smirk never once left his face, knowing he was getting under her skin.

"alright now you're dragging it..." she glared up at the tall boy.

"leave my sister alone brown." gary sighed and looked behind the boy, seeing shaedon looking at india, hard.

"and tell shaedon to stop staring at her like a creep." he spoke loud enough for shaedon to hear, making him quickly turn away.

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