hate the club | juan toscano-anderson

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yk that kehlani song?
that's what this one is based off of

juan stood in his section, staring across the room at eden as she conversed with her friends.

truthfully he didn't even wanna be in this club; he'd much rather be at home, cuddling up with eden.

but, he and eden had got into an argument and she needed a night out to get her mind off of him. juan being the protective man he is, he wasn't gonna let another man near her.

"this nigga watching her like a hawk." jordan snickered with gary as they looked over at their best friend.

"i can hear you loud ass." juan turned around to look at the two of them.

"why won't you just talk to her?" gary leaned against the railing that overlooked everyone in the club.

"she don't even know i'm here." juan swirled around the drink in his hand as his eyes followed eden's movements.

"oh she definitely does. i'm sure she can feel you burning holes into her head." jordan laughed before juan sent a glare his way.

"i'm gonna get another drink! you want one?" eden yelled out over the loud music.

"nah i'm good!" arden, eden's best friend, yelled back, pointing at the glass in her hand.

"i'll be back!" she announced before turning around and making her way to the bar.

seeing a guy walking behind her, juan put his drink down and immediately started walking towards her.

"hi! can i get another margarita?" she tapped her fingers against the bar as she leaned against it to talk to the bartender.

"yeah this'll be her last one for the night." juan slid between two people and stood right next to her, sliding a twenty dollar bill the bartender's way.

eden rolled her eyes and slowly turned to head his way. "why are you here?"

"aw are you not excited to see me baby?" he playfully pouted as she grabbed her drink.

"no i'm not juan. what you want?" she stirred the straw around in the glass before taking a sip.

"i'm just making sure you're good." he placed a hand on her back.

"yeah right." she scoffed and elbowed him in the side, making him move his hand.

"excuse me." a male voice came up behind her, making her furrow her eyebrows.

eden and juan turned around to look at the man who was speaking to her. the two of them looked at him in confusion.

"i just wanted to say i've had my eye on you all night and you are beautiful." he spoke, biting his lip.

"creep." juan mumbled as he sized the man up, looking him up and down.

"thank you. that's very sweet of you." eden sent a smile his way. she knew to be nice to him considering he looked like a predator.

"i was wondering if i could—" he went to speak again, but juan wasn't letting it happen. not when he was right there.

"i'm gonna stop you right there brother." juan held up a hand, cutting him off.

"and who are you?"

"juan toscano-anderson, but more importantly, this one right here? that's mine." he wrapped an arm around eden's shoulders.

"doesn't look like it." the unwanted visitor chuckled, seeing eden looking unphased.

juan chuckled and grabbed eden by the waist, pulling her in for a passionate kiss. the man scoffed before waving them off and walking away.

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