girl with the tattoo | donte divincenzo

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one of my favorite white men

"bro what's up with you? you've been spacing out all day." jordan sat down next to donte, placing the basketball on his lap.

"it's nothing man. i'm just tired." he wiped the sweat off his face and leaned back in his seat. donte hadn't gotten the proper amount of sleep in the past two days all because of her.

she was a girl he had met a few nights back and he hasn't been able to get her out of his head. he didn't know anything about her except her age and what she looked like.

she was a beautiful girl; curls for days, big brown eyes, about five foot eight. but the only thing donte couldn't forget was the tattoo that graced the skin of her back.

he had gotten a pretty good view of the large black and red dragon throughout their night together (reference in the mm).

the way the ink looked against her skin was something that donte couldn't get out of his head. and he was determined to find her again.

"tired from what? we haven't had a game in three days." jordan snickered as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"i met this girl a few nights ago and—" donte began explaining.

"you got some pussy?! uh oh!" jordan loudly spoke and leaned back in shock, making donte roll his eyes.

"shut up. i haven't been able to get her out of my head and i have been trying to find her for days." he sighed, taking a swig of his water.

"you don't know her name?" he furrowed his brows as he looked at him.

"no. i just remember this tattoo she had." he slightly smirked, getting flashbacks to that night.

"damn bro. maybe she'll be at the game tonight." he chuckled and pat his chest with the back of his hand.

"yeah right. i doubt i'll ever see her again." he stood up and went to grab a ball, getting back to practice.


"i can't believe you're getting nachos before the game even starts." alyssa snickered at her best friend as they walked to their seats.

"hey! i didn't eat before we got here so i'm hungry!" indigo exclaimed, biting into a chip before sitting down.

the two girls were at the warriors v. the hawks game because alyssa snagged some courtside seats and they weren't going to go to waste.

"it's hot in here. help me take this off." indigo held out her arm for alyssa to pull her jacket off. she turned her body so she could pull the other sleeve off.

"thank you." she smiled and placed the jacket on her lap before crossing her legs and finishing her nachos.

donte, who had just come onto the court for some pregame shooting, noticed a very familiar face sitting courtside.

he thought he was seeing things at first and shook off the thought of it being her. that was until he saw her take off her jacket and reveal the tattoo on her back through a backless top.

"donte!" jordan yelled, snapping him out of his trance and scaring him a little.

"what?!" he frustratedly turned around to face the man.

"the hell are you looking at?" he snickered as he went to shoot a three.

"it's her." he pointed at her before turning around so she wouldn't see him.

"the girl with the tattoo?" jordan's eyebrows raised as his eyes followed in the direction of his finger.

"yes!" he exclaimed and rolled his eyes dramatically.

"oh damn. she's fine." he looked over at her, biting his lip.

"i know that jordan. goddamn!" donte smacked the back of his neck in an annoyed manner.

"you better go crazy tonight my guy." jordan elbowed his side before running away as donte shook his head.


the minute indigo saw donte walk onto the court, she knew who he was and she was honestly happy to see him again.

every time donte scored, she made sure to cheer loudly so that he would hear her. and he heard her every single time.

she screamed especially loud when donte hit a three to tie the game and bring it into overtime. the warriors won by two points thanks to kevon looney.

"well, that was fun!" alyssa smiled as the two of them stood up and got ready to leave.

"yeah, it was." indigo smiled and bent down to grab her purse. as she was coming back up, she was met with a familiar ginger.

"hello there." she chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest.

"i believe we've met before." he smirked as he wrapped a towel around his neck.

"i think we have yeah." she giggled and nodded her head at their playful banter.

"well, i'm donte." he stuck his hand out for her to shake with a smile on his face.

"i'm indigo." she smiled and shook it softly before pulling away.

"nice to officially meet you indigo." he spoke, putting emphasis on the officially part.

"you as well donte."

"i was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime." he couldn't wait any longer and had to shoot his shot.

"are you gonna forget about me this time?" she furrowed her brows playfully.

"i never forgot about you baby girl. i've been trying to find you for days." he confessed, making her blush.

"well i'd love to go out with you mr. divincenzo." she nodded and bit her lip, holding back a smile.

"so i don't lose you again, can i get your number?"

"here." she chuckled and pulled her phone out of her pocket, placing it in his hands.

he quickly put his information in it before giving it back to her. "congratulations on the win by the way." she spoke as she slipped her phone back in her pocket.

"thank you. text me when you get home." he winked at her as she smiled.

"will do." she found it cute how much he cared about her.

"goodnight indigo." he leaned forward and whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek and running off.

"goodnight donte." she mumbled as she looked down at her feet, her face as red as a tomato.

alyssa watched the whole interaction and waited until they got to the car to say something.

"goodnight donte." she mocked her tone as indigo rolled her eyes.

"shut up!" she hid her face in her hands to avoid any further teasing.

"oh he's got you down bad!" she exclaimed as she started the car and drove away from the arena.

for all the donte girls out there, this one was for you 🤞🏽

and we're gonna pretend that miss morgan allowed this to be written okay? okay

anywho, i hope you like it!

love u mean it byeeee 🫶

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