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Chapter 2

There are no special rules that I have to follow as a Goddess since I'm expected to know best. A Goddess is a Goddess for a reason... right?


There are some norms, rituals that every werewolf should follow. One of them is the mating progress. Water purified by the moon should be held over the mate to keep them from getting attacked. Once someone finds their mate, both sides change their scents.

The scents make it unbearable for any unmated werewolf who is over sixteen to not be sexually attracted to that person. The reason for that is to make sure werewolves mate with their given other halves.

The thing is that everyone over sixteen is given a bottle of the purified water and that's all they are given. The scent will be held back, if one is lucky for a little over a month. Since usually both of them are werewolves they can keep the scent away for another month.

My older sister gave me her bottle to me since she and many other werewolves don't want to stay away from their mates. My father got another bottle stored up from a friends dead son. So I have three bottles.

One which I always have with me. It's kind of a unwritten rule, most do it– for everyones sake.

When I entered Gilbert High. I immediately picked up a soft scent that stood out from the rest but I ignored it.

All the werewolves stared at me while I was making my way through the people maze awkwardly. They showed me respect by hitting their right upper arm with their left fist.

Humans watched the strange thing happen over and over again. I overheard some girls saying that our school must've had a special way of welcoming each other at school because we are supposed to be elites.

They were almost right.

As I was walking towards the special room which in front of the teachers room that was given to us from Celic Wolf High to put our books and and other stuff in there. The teachers can recognise Celic Wolf High students thanks to the fact that Celic Wolf High provides special constructed uniforms that I ordered everyone to wear while attending this school too.

I'm happy to see that everyone followed my orders. The wine red coloured uniforms everywhere made me feel at ease. It makes it easier to keep track of my many wolfs.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't notice that some human girls pushed me from the back. I lost my balance. I immediately felt like crying because of the embarrassment many werewolves were about to witness... but to my surprise everyone ran up to me straight away. Henry, one of the upcoming warriors and one of the few werewolves who talks to me caught me before I hugged the floor.

"Thank you" I mumbled to him as I wiped away the invisible dust off my clothes.

"Anytime, Goddess" he whispered back. I answered by smiling awkwardly back. I wasn't used to the Goddess thing at all.

By then some female werewolves were giving their piece of minds to the human girls who amusingly looked like they were ready to write their testaments. Except for the brunette in the middle. She ignored Linn and Hannah's scolding and looked straight at me. She shoved away people and made her way in front of me.

"Remember me, Leah?" She reached for my chin but was stopped by Henry before she got to touch me. If she was offended it was hard to tell since she calmly brushed it off.

She gave me a blinding smile and flicked with her noticeable perfect hair.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again" she said with a poisonous sweet tone and wandered off.

Unaffected by the crowds stares.


© April 26th 2015

- I know the writing isn't the best in the first chapters but don't give up on the story yet!

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