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Chapter 25


I didn't make up my mind yet. Do I follow the moon warriors to Leah or do I stay? The dangers scare me of course. One thing I knew for sure was that I missed Leah. A lot. It pained me. I felt shallow, incomplete and sad. Depressed even. It was as if I wasn't alive anymore. It's so strange how someone I knew for such a short time became such a big part of my life. Someone I could never imagine living without ever. I'd rather die, truthfully. 

That's why going was something I wanted to do... But what if we get killed? What about Dalia? She would become an orphan all over again. Without having to actually experience what a real family is. It would beyond selfish to leave her because I longed for Leah so much. 

Leah didn't really need me. Not there at least. She needed me here more. I could help her here. 

When I met Zeid it was already too late. I didn't sense his scent until he spotted me. 

My last hope was pretending like he wasn't there but then that last hope vanished when he came up to me and did the werewolf greeting "Goddess" 

I noticed his earring. A moon warrior. That's when I knew that things maybe were not as bad as they thought they were. Hope was still there.


We were standing in the middle of the crowded street and people were annoyed at us. There were abnormally many people going out to shop today. I pulled the white haired stranger with me to a dark restaurant. If this moon warrior could recognize me other werewolves could recognize me or him. It was too much of a risk. 

"You must be a very skilled warrior if you can recognize me" I pointed out.

"I'm the head warrior" I nodded, that means he was a leader. That means he worked close for Leoni.

"We are looking for you." He stated. He looked at me like he was reading me. It was chilling. He kinda looked like an animated person with his white hair, white skin, light eyes, tall and slim figure. 

"I know, I fled" He didn't look shocked. "Yes" he simply answered. He didn't show much emotion. 

"What's your name?" I asked.


"Zeid you recognize me as your goddess" I didn't ask, it was a statement.

"Yes" We had ordered a pizza to not look suspicious which arrived just then.

"Why?" It made little sense to me to of why a head warrior is showing the new -not really the -goddess loyalty than the goddess that he is already serving. 

He laughed "I know what is going on, goddess. Everything" everything? I looked surprised at the warrior who took a slice of the mozzarella pizza.

"You did a good job but it was still easy to find you Goddess, I had to order the moon seekers to not find you." I became cold. It wasn't strange, not strange at all. The moon warriors and seekers are the best. Of course they would've found me immediately.

"The moon has shown us that we are on your side. That's we have to help you become the Goddess, you already are for us but officially" Zeid explained.

"But how?" I was frustrated. It's been barely 2 days since I fled but I know less of how to solving this than then. 

"There is a rebellion, Leoni has ordered the moon warriors and seekers to other tasks. The only ones involved in this situation is the warriors at your pack house to protect your mate and child. We know nothing about what the cause of the rebellion is and what they want. Who the cause is." Zeid explained, he was whispering, almost inaudible but because of my werewolf hearing I heard everything clearly. 

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