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Chapter 26


I didn't know what to after mine and Zeid's mind link. Get ready for the council? But what about Gabriel? He could be on his way here and of course I want to be there when he does but it's not the time to be selfish. Zeid isn't stupid. He would never risk the life of the Goddess if it wasn't for something important. Besides he might not come.

I prepare myself for war. Not literally. I mean, I don't really have anything that is close the be worn at a war zone since I only have one pair of jeans. I don't have much choice but to wear the dark, strech jeans and a grey t-shirt underneath a pastel pink  hoodie. 

I put my blonde wig on and wash my face. I take a look at the girl, no woman in the mirror. She looked fearless. She looked strong. She looked like nothing can hurt her.

I smiled. Those past weeks, especially with Zeid's life coaching and the necassary make over have brought a huge change in me. I'm not the same Leah anymore. 

Zeid is incredible. He is professional but he also feels like an older brother that I can trust on a more personal level. He doesn't judge, he listens but also gives realistic advice that have helped tremendously.

Or maybe I am the same Leah but now, instead I'm a better version of myself, a confident Leah. 

After putting on my black nike air shoes I head out. Determinded and confident. 

I'm the Goddess after all.


I won't go. I can't. Leah doesn't need me but Dalia does. I've decided that hours ago but I keep wanting to go. 

I miss her so much. so much my body hurts. I want to touch her. See if she is alright. I want her to make sure I'm alright.

I want her here to se Dalia's progress. She is almost all well now. Just a few more days and she will be running around like any child her age. 

I looked at sleeping Dalia who only a few minutes ago was talking to me. She still doesn't know that she has been adopted by me and Dalia and for fair reasons. We can't stress her out or shock her even if we are sure the news of having parents will delight her. All the changes might confuse her too much.

She has though asked about Dalia now the past few days and Dalia was confused. She had many other questions, where was she? Where are her friends? Tom and the others? Who were all those people taking care of her?  Even though I couldn't provide her with good answeres she dropped the questions after a while. Didn't push for answers. Because she was a smart child and hopefully because she trust me. Trusts that I'm taking care of her.

The door opened and a man I didn't recongize comes in. 

He was tall, probably older than he looked since I could sense that he was a werewolf. A powerful one. Just from his aura, his eyes and the way he moved. 

"Who are you?" I questioned this man, my voice came out rough. Probably because I haven't eaten or spoken much. 

The man infront of me ignored my question and went up to Dalia. I became stiff. Aware of every slight move. 

"So this is my grandaughter?" the mans voice was very low but it was sweet, endearing even.

I took me a few seconds to realise that the man standing next to me was my father.


When I arrived at the east border there where moon warriors waiting for me just like Zeid said but I wasn't allowed to know anything yet.

I was basically sneaked into the council where I was escorted to a room, Zeid's room to be more exact.

"Leoni was behind it all, we were right. The rebellion never existed but to distract the masses from the rumours of your death she decided to throw a huge party to celebrate that we won against the rebels. The festives will be broadcasted live." He was whispiring. He was in a hurry so I didn't comment anything even though I had many questions. 

How did he find out about all of this? Why am I here?

"This means that you will have to attend" I gasp. Attend the party? Why?

"The court, everyone is distracted. That's how we could sneak you in so easily. There was never a threat. Nothing Leoni is scared of. Except you. Your power" Zeid handed me a blue dress.

"You will be protected by the moon warriors. No one will dare to hurt you"

The man infront of me gave a smile. A smile that showed hope and confidence.

"and you will announce right there and then. In front of everybody that you have accpeted your position as the Goddess"

I was speechless. That's it? It was that easy?

Zeid gave me a wink and left the room. Two female moon warriors walked in to help me dress and get ready for my official debut.

"Goddess there is not much we have to do. You're natrually beautiful" I was slow in the head. I couldn't register what I was told but I felt the adrenaline rush through me when I understood the situation. 

The first thing I did was take off the blonde wig that looked like my own hair. Zeid provided me with the wig when I said I needed to change my looks. I'm glad it was a wig and that I didn't actually chop off my long, black wavy hair. I loved my hair too much. 

The women immdiately started working on fixing the frizzy mess and I was thankful I could just have a moment to collect myself.

I was also very thankful that the dress was long since I haven't shaved in a while. To be sure I decided to wear thights that, Monika one of the moon warriors lend me. In case I had to run or fight. hopefully that won't happen.

I looked at myself in the mirror to admire the end results. 

They let my natrual black hair hang around my shoulders free. It was shining like as if someone oiled it with diamonds. My dress was simple but gorgeous. It was flattering and elegant. I felt powerful and beautiful wearing it. It was pastel blue, almost white dress. 

I was only wearing a white gold moon necklace and I was free from other jewelry. It made me look pure? Good? 

My make up only enhanced my eyes. It was very minimal and that was good. It felt right.

I looked like myself. The better version of myself. 

I wasn't trying to look like someone I wasn't and I'm glad Monika and Kyalia achived that. 

With a hug. I thanked them both. For making me look so beautiful but also for protecting and calming me.

Zeid walked in and nodded.

It was time.


April 8th 2017


Hi my lovely snowflakes, I lost my macbook charger (or not really me but lets not get into that) and I've been too lazy to order a new one. Anyway y'all have been giving me so much LOVE, it's almost too much for me too handle >_<. 

I've changed the story line and I hope this doesn't seem odd and out of place but I did so because I wanted to change my direction to things that I actually enjoy writing soooo look forward to it and thank you for not giving up on me yet hahaha.

Also since I couldn't write on my own computer I rushed  this chapter.I only had limited time to write something down. I could use my phone to write but I'm not really that type.

Hope you somewhat enjoyed this mess hahaha ^_^

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