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Chapter 30


"Dalia what is the man doing?" I asked and looked concerned at Gabriel. We were trying to communicate with our eyes.

"He is just standing there" Dalia keeps staring at the spot. Is our daughter talking about an invisible friend? That's normal... right?

"Oh" Dalia exclaims, Gabriel immediately looks like he is ready to fight whatever made his princess worried. 

"What's wrong princess?" Gabriel asks carefully as if there was something in the room that will attack us in any moment.

"hush dad he is talking" Dalia scolded and waved her hand at us. It was as if someone really talked to her. I never seen Dalia being like this. She looked serious and worried. It looked like Gabriel was taken aback by her behaviour too.

"Where is it?" Dalia asked the air and as if she received an answer she nodded and jumped down from the bed and started walking.

"What did he say?" I asked Dalia. 

"He said that there is a letter hidden, I need to find it because his daughter needs it" Dalia explained and walked out the door. 

Me and Gabriel shared a concerned look but decided to not question anymore and follow our daughter.

It looked like Dalia was following the man she claims to see. We followed her to the third floor where she stopped in front of a statue. She seemed to listen to the man, she nodded and took a step back and pushed the statue. Since Dalia was still weak, her push didn't do much. She looked at us.

"He says under this there is a letter" I decided it's the best to listen to Dalia and went to lift the stone statue. Since I'm werewolf it barely weights anything but for Gabriel who is a human, he looked  rather shocked at my strength. Then we both noticed a letter. 

Dalia was right, the letter was there that means there was truly a man talking to her. 

Dalia was talking to a ghost.


We delivered the letter to Yenai. A woman who had lost her father eleven years ago. When he died, it was sudden and surprising but in the letter he wrote that he was followed and who the murderer is. He hoped that someone would find the letter after his death to help his family know what happened but it didn't happen so he couldn't move on. In his letter he wrote the secret and why he was followed. 

It was money, he had lots of it. Yenai lost everything recently because of stupid decisions and was living in the pack house under the care of Alpha Ceasar. She was basically homeless and unmated. 

Alpha Ceasar took care of the letter and send the shaman to talk with Dalia.

"It's not that odd that she can see ghosts, she was dead and came back to life." He explained to us after talking to Dalia o confirm that she indeed can se ghosts.

I sighed and looked at the now sleeping Dalia. She was tired after her adventure. 

Another thing to add to my growing list of things I needed to take care of. 

"Poor Dalia will have to deal with dead people asking her for favours all the time" I leaned into Gabriel.

"We will deal with this, together" Gabriel answered and hugged me "at least she is here with us".


"Scarlett" I was given the weekend off from Zeid and I decided that it was the best if I used the time to take care of some of the things on my long list. One being, talk to Lina together with Scarlett. I had texted her about it and we found out that her family still lived in the same house. 

midnight-ful ( Human Male Mate )Where stories live. Discover now