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- Can you guys believe that we reached 10 chapters? I have always loved to write but my stories have never been that long and rarely in english for that matter. I used to be the only one reading my stories and now I'm sharing them with the world. It took me a lot of courage to do so but you have been very encouraging and have been nothing but supportive.

I'm really thankful. Oh btw. I don't like to ask for votes and comments so it might seem as if I don't care but each vote and each comment makes me beyond happy. 

Thank You and enjoy!!


For the very first time we will see the world from Gabriel's point of view!


Chapter 10


I couldn't stop thinking about her. The way her brown eyes seemed to observe everything, it's as if she saw the world differently from everyone else. Leah was comfortable, she made me feel at home. Leah was full of mysteries but I liked that she tried to be as honest as possible. 

My mind wandered back to earlier today. When she took my hand in hers to comfort me while I was talking to Dalia. 

Dalia... I felt a sting in my heart. Such a beautiful soul, yet to be taken away from me. I always imagined that if I was to get a daughter, I wanted someone as lovely as Dalia. I'm too young to think of these things but I couldn't help it being surrounded by the woods. 

It stopped raining a few hours ago and I needed time for myself, the woods in front of our street have always been a place of comfort for me. It felt like the trees, the wind, the animals... even the flowers helped me to breathe. 

Leah confuses me. I usually always know what to say and do but not when I'm around her and it scares me. 

It scares me to be so... vulnerable.  

I take a deep breath of the crispy air. I need to stay away from Leah. 

But Dalia.

Leah seemed to care for Dalia and Dalia became fond of Leah very fast. I can't keep Leah away from Dalia when she was about to... unable to form the word even in my own mind. 

My mother always brought us to the old orphanage since me and Melanie were small. My mother was brought there herself at the age of five after both her parents disappeared, most likely they died but couldn't have been found. My mother's relatives didn't want to take her in so she ended up being raised at the orphanage. She was rather happy to have been surrounded by such loving people in her life. A big and warm family. 

When Dalia was dropped off she was barely 6 months old. Her whole family died in a car accident. All her 3 older brothers and parents. It was a miracle she survived but the police officer who saved her from the burning car said that one of her older brothers, Mike. I believe his name was, who was barely 9 years old at that time had covered up his baby sister with his whole body. Protecting her from getting hurt. 

Since then, at the age of eleven I've felt like Dalia was my responsibility. I always felt a little more protective of her than the other children at the orphanage. When she became sick, I started working part time to pay her bills. 

Gabriel looked down on his watch but soon realised that it has become too dark to see what time it is. He took out his phone, 11:08 pm. Realising that it was getting late he started to head back home. He felt a little more relieved to be able to think without being disturbed.  

Arriving in front of his house he saw a small figure standing there. The long wavy dark hair fell beautifully around her shoulders, Leah. Gabriel stopped walking. What did she want so late at night? 

Leah sensed him somehow even though it is awfully quiet and Gabriel was standing still, not close enough to be heard or sensed. As soon as she saw him Leah ran up to him.

"Thank goodness you came" Leah seemed to be in panic "no one was home and I was afraid that we could be too late" I frowned "too late for what?" 

Leah smiled "to save Dalia of course". She took my hand and I immediately felt tingles from her warm hand. Weird she should be freezing in that thin cardigan. It took a moment to realise what Leah just said. 

"Save Dalia? What are you talking about?" Confused I stop her from walking any further. 

"Do you trust me?" Leah asked instead of answering my question. I look stunned at her warm brown eyes. I wasn't sure why but I do trust her. A lot.

"I do" Unsure how to react or what to say in this situation. 

"Thank you" she seemed relieved but she tensed up again and now looked worried. 

"You know how I have many secrets but I can't tell you any of them yet?" Leah asked and looked me straight into my eyes. 

"Hm" I nodded, where was this going? 

Leah took a step closer to me "You see, those secrets could help Dalia"

"How?" I questioned "I can't tell you that" she confessed, her voice barely audible  "but I promise she'll be healthy." she said louder. 

"What do you need me for, then?" Leah suddenly blushed by the question. 

"I- I" she stammered but paused and tried again "I need your blood".

Confused I blinked servals times to let everything she is saying sink in. "Blood? What for?" Leah didn't meet my eyes, instead she looked down on her feet.

"Leah you need to explain yourself." frustrated by once again not knowing  what to do I touch her  chin to make Leah look at me. Surprised by the sudden touch Leah took a step back. 

"I'm sorry, It's just that we don't really have time" she explains "Then do it fast" I command. 

She took a shaky breath, looked up and bit her lip. She fixed her posture and held my hand tighter. Determined she starts speaking. 

"I was told you are smart so you should understand by now that I'm different. My blood is different. I give my blood to Dalia at midnight she will be like me but completely healed. The problem is that the pack- I mean- eh anyway I was asked to bring out my mate, I mean friend. -That's you- to make Dalia half me and half you. They expect us to take full responsibility over her" she whispered the last part and looked down. 

"I can do that" I answer after a moment after trying to understand what Leah just told me.

"No I don't think you understand" she mumbled letting out sigh. 

Leah looked up to me "As parents", her eyes were full of worry "It's a tradition to either make the shifter a family member or a partner. We are already straining the rules we need to listen to them" 

"Parents" I repeated. Making sure I heard it right. 

"Yes, are you ready to make Dalia your- our daughter?" she whispered. 

"If those are the demands to save Dalia, I would never forgive myself if I refuse" I gave Leah an assuring smile who seemed rather shocked at my response.

"Ah- well we need to hurry. The others have already arrived" Leah started walking again towards my car. 

"Why do we need to hurry?" I asked while getting into my car.

"We need to give her our blood by midnight or it won't work" She responded. 

"It only works when it's full moon" she paused "Midnight-ful" she mumbled  

"it's called Midnight-ful" She repeated a little louder. 

© July 14th 2015

Surprised? Hahaha anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter and Gabriel's first point of view!

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