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Chapter 27


I felt nothing towards my father. How could I possibly? He was a stranger who left us. 

We talked.

It made me a bit sick to talk to him. I didn't want to do anything with him. I never wanted to meet him after knowing what he did and I still felt like this.

But, he wanted to help. Not because I was his son that he missed and loved no, it's because I'm mated to the Goddess that he knows is alive.

How? Well he is helping the current Goddess, Leoni to fool the whole werewolf community. Apparently he was one of the most influential Alpha's and he had gained Leoni's trust. For his own greed.

He wanted more power. There was nothing more to it. 

It made me sick to my bones. Hate was flowing through my veins. I hated this man but I needed his help. For Leah's sake. 

For our family's sake.

His plan was basically this. 

He made Leoni drop the whole lie about a rebellion. Quick arrangements for to celebrate the win, make Leah drop by and announce that she is ready to accept her position as Goddess. At all times she will protected by my father. 

He has been working on this for over a week and only now could visit because he couldn't find Leah.

I didn't bother asking how he knew of us. I had a feeling I knew who contacted him about it. 

Trusting Nils was too risky but I decided to follow my gut feeling and tell him that Leah was protected by moon warriors. I might have done a big mistake but at the same time something told me that even though he is doing it for his own sake, success and greed... a part of him was still aware that I was his son.

His human son. A son he didn't care about but still his blood. 

It did help that his son is now of use, I guess. 

I decided to ignore all my feelings. Especially how hurt I was about knowing that I'm only important to my father now. Because of Leah. Not because of who I am. His son.

I needed to ignore my feeling because I needed to save Leah. 

Or actually, not saving. I'm helping her. In my way. 


"Don't worry" Zeid whispered. Like he could sense how nervous I was. 

He was wearing his official white and grey moon warrior uniform and he kind of looked like an animated person with his white hair and white clothing. His hair was combed and sleeked back. If I didn't have a mate, I'd probably would had a huge crush on him. 

I took his arm that Zeid was holding out for me. I needed the support. 

I could barely walk in my white heels. Not because I don't know how to but because I was numb.

Too scared and nervous. 

Several moon warriors surrounded us, all in their white and grey uniforms. They looked kind of like angels protecting me. 

I felt a lot safer and calmer.

"The banquet started about 30 minutes ago. Now that people have settled in and mingled a bit, Leoni will hold the speech announcing that the rebels no one knew of were defeated. Play along. Focus on one task; becoming the rightful Goddess. We will take care of Leoni afterwards." Zeid was giving me introductions, advice and comfort all the same.

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